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  s prepared by the Presidents cook was nice.
  C. All of the guests thought the taste of the beautiful pink soup was nice.
  D. All of the guests didnt know that their president would serve his honored guests poison apples.
   When you go to see a doctor, he will write you a note to take to the chemist for some medicine. Chemists are usually good at reading doctors notes. But sometimes doctors write too badly and even the chemist can not read them.
   One day a man wrote to a doctor to invite him to have dinner at his house. The doctor wrote a reply, but he wrote too badly and the man could not read it.
   What shall I do? he asked his wife, I dont know whether he is going to come or not. I dont want to call him an
  d say that I dont understand him.
   His wife thought for a while and them she had an idea. Take it to the chemist, she said , He will be able to read it for us.
   Thank you, said her husband. Thats a good idea.
   He went to the chemists shop and gave the doctors note to him. The chemist looked at it for a long time.
   Could you wait a moment, sir? he said. Then he went to the back of his shop. After a few minutes he came back, carrying a large bottle. He gave the bottle to the man.
   Take one spoonful every day. he said.
  96. What did the doctor do when he was invited to have dinner?
  A. He said he would come on time.
  B. He wrote the man a reply.
  C. He said he wouldnt come to have dinner.
  D. He wrote a note to the chemist.
  97. Why couldnt the man understand the note?
  A. Because the doctor wrote badly.
  B. Because the man didnt know much about medicine.
  C. Because the doctor didnt like to go.
  D. Because the man never went to school.
  98. The wife wanted her husband to __________.
  A. call the doctor to have dinner with them
  B. go to the chemist and get some medicine
  C. take the reply to a chemist for help
  D. read it again
  99. In this story, the word chemist means ________.
  A. 護士 B.化驗師 C. 藥劑師 D.藥房
  100. At last, we know _________.
  A. the doctor would like to come to have dinner
  B. the doctor wouldnt like to come to have dinner
  C. the chemist didnt understand what the doctor wrote, either
  D. the chemist help them a lot
   Tokyo, the capital of Japan, is one of the largest cities in the world. It is also one of the worlds most modern cities. Twice this century, the city was destroyed and rebuilt. In 1823 a big earthquake hit the city. Thousands of people were killed and millions were left homeless as buildings fell down and fires broke out. It took seven years to rebuild the city. During World War II, Tokyo was destroyed once again. As a result of these disasters , there is nothing of old Tokyo remaining in the downtown area.
   After the war, the people of Tokyo began to rebuild their city. Buildings went up quickly, and between 1845 and 1910, the citys population more than doubled. Because of the Olympic Games held in Tokyo in 1960, many new stadiums, parks and hotels were built to accommodate visitors from all over the world. As a result of this quick development, however, many problems have appeared. Housing shortage, pollution, and rubbish have become serious challenges to the city, but the government has begun several programs to answer them.
  101. What kind of city is Tokyo?
  A. A very modern city. B. A very old city.
  C. A very small city. D. A very dirty city.
  102. In 1823, Tokyo was destroyed by ________.
  A. an earthquake B. American air fighters
  C. a big fire D. pollution
  103. The first rebuilding of Tokyo was finished in _______.
  A. World War II B. 1830 C. 1823 D. 1825
  104. In ______ years time, the population of Tokyo more than doubled.
   A. 60 B. 7 C. 55 D. 65
  105. _______ greatly helped Tokyo develop into a modern city.
  A. World War II B. The 1823 earthquake
  C. The 1960 Olympic Games D. Pollution
  七 看圖寫話。
  根據所給圖示,以Wang Leis Busy Day為題,寫一篇不少於五十字的短文,內容必須符合圖意,語意連貫,句式規範,字跡工整。(正文第一句已給出。)
   Wang Leis Busy Day
  It was March 8th yesterday.




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