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  31. --- The little boy was made _______ English for another hour.
  --- Poor boy!
  A. read B. reading C. reads D. to read
  32. I think it kind _______.
  A. of him to help me B. for him to help
  C. that he help me D. of him helping me
  33. Its too hot today. Why not _______ your coat?
  A. take on B. to take off
  C. take off D. taking off
  34. Boys, dont forget _____ the windows before you leave the classroom.
  A. closing B. closed C. to closing D. to close
  35. He made it _______ for people ______ the computers by inventing new software.
  A. easy, use B. easy, using
  C. easily, to use D. easier, to use
  36. All of the plans are very good. I really dont know _______.
  A. which to talk B. which to talk about
  C. to talk about which D. I asked you for help
  37. Would you please _______ any noise? The baby has just fallen asleep.
  A. make B. to make C. not to make D. not make
  38. --- Would you please try _______ late again?
  --- Sorry, I wont be late again.
  A. not to be B. to be not
  C. not be D. be
  39. The words _______ with L arent easily forgotten.
  A. starting B. started
  C. to start D. whose starting
  40. Have you got anything _______?
  A. to open the box B. opening the box with
  C. opening the box D. to open the box with




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