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  p; ) 6.With the help of the computer, information can ____every corner of the world swiftly.
    A. get   B. reach  C. arrive  D. return
   7.---Will you please show me how to operate the new machine?
     ---Sure. Its a piece of cake.Now let me tell you _____ to do first.
  A.what  B.how  C.whether  D.which
   8.---What do you think of these two books?
  ---_____ of them are interesting. And Ive read them several times.
  A.Both  B.Neither  C. None  D.Either
   9.---The artist has got _____ much work to do that he hardly has time to help his wife
with the housework.
     ---Thats true.Even on Sundays he is busy with his work.
  A.too   B.so   C.very D.such
   10.---He seems _____ ill.Shall we take him to the hospital right now?
     ---I dont think it matters.Maybe hes caught a bit of a cold.
  A.terrible  B.terribly  C.even D.to be terrible
   11.---Would you like ___ some fruit?
     ---No thanks. I dont feel like _____ anything now.
   A. to have ,to eat B.having ,to eat C.having ,eating D.to have , eating
   12.---Youve dropped _____ s in the word acros
     ---Oh, ____ letter s should be doubled like this across.
    A.a ,a   B.an ,a  C.a ,tha  
D.the ,the
   13. She usually ___________ herself up in nice clothes .
   A. dresses B. puts C. puts on D. wears
   14. The mother with Tom and Jim often ___________ to the park on Sunday .
   A. go B. goes C. going D. will go
   15. Physics, as well as English ,_____________ important in middle schools.
   A. were very B. is great C. are great D. is very
   16. I wont watch the TV play if my father __________ me do my homework .
   A. let B. will let C. wont let D. lets
   17. There are many trees on ________side of the road.
   A. both B. any C. either D. all
   18. He became a famous writer when he was ____________ .
   A. in his fifty B. in his fifties C. in fifty years old D. in fifties
   19. These radios need repairing , ___________ ?
   A. dont they B. neednt them C. mustnt you D. need they
   20. Taiwan lies ________ the east of China .
   A. to B. in C. on D. at
  As a student , you must have 1 a lot of interesting books . Most of the books come from the school 2 , I am sure . Perhaps you also get books from the public library in your town. Then books are something given to you as presents by your parents or friends , I think . Besides, if you like reading and want to learn 3 , I am sure that you buy books 4 .
  Have you ever thought how books are 5 ? Well, after a book is written, it passes 6 the hands of many different workers. Each one 7 nb
  sp; very carefully , for there must not be any 8 in the book , it is read many times by different people before it is finished .
  Millions of books are printed in our country every year . So people can get 9 to read . Now may I ask you a 10 ? How well do you take 11 of books ? What have you learned about the care of books ?
  Perhaps you bought yourselves some 12 books . Have you put paper covers on them ? Do you open 13 ? Sometimes new books break along the back if you open 14 suddenly in the middle . I hope that you dont 15 the pages carelessly . If you do , you may tear them .
   1. A. read B. watched C. looked D. seen
   2. A. headmasters office B. classroom C. teachers office D. library
  3. A. much B. more C. most D. few
  4. A. all B. yourself C. also D. either
  5. A. sold B. bought C. given D. made
  6. A. through B. to C. in D. from
  7. A. does B. is work C. work D. works
  8. A. mistakes B. questions C. wrong D. thing
  9. A. many B. enough C. a lot of D. great
  10. A. matter B. thing C. word D. question
  11. A. careful B. after C. out D. care
  12. A. more B. new C. well D. nicer
  13. A. always B. the book C. it D. carefully
  14. A. them B. carefully C. it D. book
  15. A. break B. throw C. write D. turn
  Can we live without salt ? Salt is very important to us . We need salt in our food . Animals need it , too. Most of the salt in our country comes from the sea. People dig very big pools and let sea water in . When the sun dries up the water , people can get salt from the ground . The salt is white, clean and beautiful .
  There are a lot of salt wells in Sichuan . A salt well is much like a water well . People bring the well water up to the ground and then dry it in big jars over fire . In this way they get salt . We can also get salt from salt mines . A salt mine may be found under the ground . Some years ago, people in Jiangxi found a big salt mine and soon opened it . People here need salt fr




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