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——Uh, this is your first time to the city, right?
——Yeah. How did you know?
回答中「How did you know?」使用的是一般過去時。這樣的表達,用漢語是難以體現的,學習時要特別留心積累。
例如:— Has your father returned from Africa yet?
— Yes, but he___ here for only three days before his company sent him to Australia
A. was B. has beenC. will be D. would be
很多同學一看到回答中「…here for only three days」就馬上選了B,用動詞的現在完成時。但是後半句「…before his company sent him to Australia.」中的「sent」顯然就告訴我們這是過去的時間背景,整句話「他在這呆了三天之後就被公司派往了澳大利亞」,這說明他現在不在這裡。因此,本題是不能選擇現在完成時的,應當選擇A。之所以出現這樣的錯誤,是同學們一看到「for」就認為它是現在完成時的標誌。其實,for表示一個時間段,過去、現在和將來都可用。
We haven't met our new neighbors yet, so we don't know their names.
You already told me yesterday that he would not give up another trying.
1.I ____in London for many years,but I』ve never regretted my final decision to move back to China.
A. lived  B. was living  C. have lived  D. had lived
2.My cousin went to Canada two years ago.He ____ there for a few months and then went to America.
A.worked B.would work C.would be working D. has been working
例一:I know a little bit about Italy as my wife and I ____ there several years ago.
A. are going  B. had been  C. went  D. have been
題干中前半句「know」,一般現在時;後半句出現「several years ago」,明顯的表示過去的時間,所以選擇一般過去時「went」,答案C。本題很多同學都順著中文「去過」而誤選了「D. have been」,是沒有掌握好語句中出現了具體過去時間這一關鍵。
例二:The young girl sitting next to me on the plane was very nervous. She ____ before.
A. hasn't flown  B. didn't fly  C. hadn't flown  D. wasn't flying
例三:I got caught in the rain and my suit____.
A. has ruined  B. had ruined  C. has been ruined  D. had been ruined
題干中前半句「got caught」,一般過去時;由and連接後半句沒有出現具體的時間,如果與前半句並列,需要用was ruined,但題項沒有給。一般地說,如果沒有明確的時間,應當默認為現在,因此,要選擇C。意思是「我趕上雨了,衣服全給毀了」。
又如:I was a college student, but now I am a teacher.我以前是大學生,現在是老師。
例四:–Tom, you didn』t come to the party last night? –I ____, but I suddenly remembered I had homework to do.
A. had to  B. didn』t  C. was going to  D. wouldn』t
題乾上句「last night」和下句後半部分「remembered」都提示是過去時間背景,應該選擇「昨天我是打算去」,因此選擇C。
例五:By the time you get back, great changes ______ in this area.
A.will take place  B.will be taken place  C.are going to take place  D.will have taken place
題干「By the time you get back」,是「到你回來時」,這裡因為是時間狀語從句,將來時用一般時代替,因此後半句的時間應當使「將已經」,故選擇D。
1.——It was really very kind of you to give me a lift home. ——Oh, don』t mention it. I _____past your house anyway.
A. was coming  B. will come  C. had come  D. have come
2.—When I called you this morning, nobody answered the phone. Where_____?
A. did you go  B. have you gone  C. were you  D. had you been
3.The house belongs to my aunt but she______ here any more.
A. hasn't lived  B. didn't live  C. hadn't lived  D. doesn't live
4.Ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your seat belts. The plane________.
A. takes off  B. is taking off  C. has taken off  D. took of
5.I was giving a talk to a large group of people, the same talk I _____to half a dozen other groups.
A. was giving  B. am giving  C. had given  D. have given




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