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  Section A
  11. W: Theres a great movie on TV tonight. Do you want to watch it?
  M: Id rather not if its on at the same time as the football match.
  Q: What does the man imply?
  【解析】選[A]。男士表示如果電影和足球比賽同時放,他寧可不看電影。可見他更喜歡收看體育節目。would rather not表示寧可不。
  12. M: I cant understand why Im getting so far behind.
  W: Well, you know sometimes with all the fun and good times at university, it is easy to lose track of why you are here.
  Q: What does the woman infer the man should do?
  【解析】選[D]。lose track of...本意是脫離的軌道,結合with all the fun and good times at university推斷,lose track of why you are here應是指背離了來大學的初衷。男士不明白自己為什麼落後了那麼多,女士幫他分析原因的同時其實還在暗示他要專注於上大學的初衷,好好學習,而不要被玩樂拖了後腿。選項[D]正確。
  13. W: How about going skiing with us? Were planning to do a bit of snowboarding too.
  M: It sounds like fun. But Id better tell you, Ive never been on a snowboard and Im not much a skier, either.
  Q: What does the man imply?
  【解析】選[C]。It sounds like fun表明男士願意一道去滑雪,但從never been on a snowboard及not much a skier, either推斷,他對此並不擅長。選項[C]與此相符,為答案。snowboarding指單板滑雪。
  14. W: Im trying to finish these practice test questions but Ive still got about 12 questions to do. At this rate, Ill be burning the midnight oil if I hope to finish.
  M: Oh, that explains why youve been hiding in here. You probably havent heard that the professor postponed the exam until further notice.
  Q: What does the man mean?
  【解析】選[A]。until further notice直到進一步通知 will inform everyone when itll be held,選項[A]與對話相符。burn the midnight oil指開夜車。
  15. W: That picture flatters Susan very much. Dont you think so?
  M: No, I dont. As a matter of fact, it makes her a little older than she really is.
  Q: What does the woman think of the picture?
  【解析】選[D]。本題問的女士對照片的看法。That picture flatters sb. That picture beautifies sb.,指照片照得比本人漂亮,因此選項[D]正確。
  16. M: Youve certainly done a lot of research for your project.
  W: It seems like a lot, but actually Ive just scratched the surface.
  Q: What does the woman mean?
  【解析】選[C]。scratch the surface的本意是略懂皮毛,結合男士說的Youve certainly done a lot of research推測,女士說的Ive just scratched the surface應是指 她做的工作還遠遠不夠,選項[C]正確。
  17. W: Im so excited that I cant sleep at night.
  M: Id be excited too if I had my passport, visa and boat ticket.
  Q: What do we learn about the woman?
  【解析】選[D]。結合passport護照,visa簽證和boat ticket船票推測,女士是所以興奮得睡不著是因為她快要出國了,選項[D]正確。
  18. W: Tom, Id like for you to meet my sister, Sarah Johnson. Sarah is also a chemist.
  M: Its nice to meet you, Sarah. I believe we even work for the same drug company, although in different Departments.
  Q: What do Tom and Sarah have in common?
  【解析】選[B]。本題問的是Tom和Sarah的共同點。根據女士說的Sarah is also a chemist可知,Tom和Sarah職業相同:都是化學家,選項[B]正確。
  Conversation One
  W: Hello, Professor Dannis, my name is Anna Adams. I read in the university newspaper that you were looking for a student to work as a language laboratory assistant?
  M: Yes, we are. Are you interested in the job?
  W: I think so, but before I apply, Id like you to tell me more about the work.
  M: Have you worked with tape recorders before?
  W: I used cassette a lot when I was studying French in high school.
  M: Good. There are many different kinds of language labs, ours is a small one, and its fairly easy to operate. This is the main control panel, you can set the controls to a lot of students to listen to the lessons they want to hear. If you decide to take the job, Ill explain how the system operates. Most of the lessons are on cassette tapes, but some of them are also on long reel tapes of records. The cassettes are kept in order on these shelves, and they are clearly numbered with the language and the lesson number. For example, the cassettes in the green boxes are French lessons. Records and tapes are over there.
  W: How much hours would I work?
  M: We need someone ten hours a week, Monday through Friday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m.. This is one of the busiest times for this laboratory.
  W: Ill fill out an application for this job right now. It would fit into my schedule nicely.
  M: Fine, Ill get back to you in a week or so after we review the applications.
  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  19. What is the woman?
  【解析】選[C]。選項表明該題是就某人的身份或工作提問。後三個選項均與學校中的老師或學生有關,[A]與其他三項明顯不同,故可初步排除。由對話中女士所說的you were looking for a student to work...以及I apply可推知女士是一名學生,故選[C]。[D]是針對對話中提出的laboratory assistant設的干擾項。
  20. What is the mans opinion of the language laboratory?
  【解析】選[D]。選項表明該題可能與語音室的具體工作有關。[A]、[B]、[D]都涉及到了具體的工作,[C]只講到了與其他語音室的不同,與主題無關,故可初步排除。由對話中男士所說的ours is a small one, and its fairly easy to operate可推知他認為語音室操作很簡單,故選[D]。[A]是針對對話中提到的French設的干擾項。[B]在對話中沒有涉及。
  21. What will the woman do right now?
  【解析】選[B]。選項均以動詞原形開頭表明該題考查行為動作。聽音過程中發現[B]正是對對話中女士所說的Ill fill out an application for this job right now的同義轉述,因此答案為[B]。[A]與女士說的It would fit into my schedule nicely矛盾。
  Conversation Two
  M: Do you think young people are given too much freedom nowadays, and that as a result theyve lost respect for their parents and their elders generally?
  W: I dont thinks so. My parents never interfered with my plans too much. They advised me but never forced me to do anything I didnt want to do. I was allowed to take up the career I wanted. I think I respect and love them more for this.
  M: Are you quite independent of them now?
  W: Yes. As soon as I left school and started my studies as a nurse I became independent financially. I have a government grant. It is enough for my daily life. But I still stay with them a lot, as you know.
  M: You seem very close to your parents.
  W: I am. Many young people today say they have nothing in common with their parents, but Im rather lucky because I get on very well with mine. What about you?
  M: Well, we value family life very much in my country. Im very fond of my family, but I dont always get on very well with them. They try to control me too much.
  W: But they allow you to come to study in England on your own.
  M: Yes, but only after a lot of persuasion! Your parents treat you as an adult; my parents treat me as a child.
  W: As I said, Im lucky. Some English parents are like yours. They interfere too much and they just refuse to understand our generation.
  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.
  22. According to the woman, why does she respect their parents?
  【解析】選[B]。選項表明該題可能考查女士與父母之間保持良好關係或女士尊重父母的原因。前三項都直接或間接涉及到了父母,[D]沒有涉及到父母,與其他三項明顯不同,故可初步排除。由對話中的They...never forced me to do anything I didnt want to do...I respect and love them more for this可推知答案是[B]。
  23. What happened when the woman began to study nursing?
  【解析】選[A]。選項表明該題可能考查女士在發生某件事之後與父母的關係。前三項都涉及到了女士與父母的關係,[D]只是說她自己一個人租房子住,與父母關係不大,故可初步排除。由對話中女士所說的I left school...I became independent financially. I have a government grant. It is enough for my daily life推斷,女士學習護士後在經濟上就可以自立了,故選[A]。[C]是針對對話中I still stay with them a lot設的干擾項。
  24. What attitude did the mans parents have towards his study abroad?
  【解析】選[C]。選項表明該題可能考查男士的父母對男士出國的態度。[A]與[C]的觀點完全相反,根據命題規律可知兩個觀點完全相反的選項中很可能有一個是答案。由對話中女士說的they allow you to come to study in England on your own及男士的回答Yes, but only after a lot of persuasion推斷,男士的父母是經男士勸說後才同意他出國學習的,故選[C]。[B]是針對my parents treat me as a child設的干擾項。
  25. What can we learn from the conversation?
  【解析】選[A]。根據常識可知父母干涉子女的事情在任何國家都有可能發生,故[C]中的never語氣太絕對,可初步排除。由女士所說的they allow you to come to study in England及Some English parents are like yours可推知女士來自英國,男士來自英國以外的其他國家,故選[A]。[B]和[D]都是根據男士所說的Im very fond of my family, but I dont always get on very well with them設的干擾項。




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