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  A reportconsistently brought back by visitors to the US is how friendly, courteous, andhelpful most Americans were to them. To be fair, this observation is alsofrequently made of Canada and Canadians, and should best be considered NorthAmerican. There are, of course, exceptions. Small-minded officials, rudewaiters, and ill-mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US. Yet it isan observation made so frequently that it deserves comment.
For a long period of time and in many parts of the country, atraveler was a welcome break in an otherwise dull existence. Dullness andloneliness were common problems of the families who generally lived distantfrom one another. Strangers and travelers were welcome sources of diversion,and brought news of the outside world.
The harsh realities of the frontier also shaped this tradition ofhospitality. Someone traveling alone, if hungry, injured, or ill, often hadnowhere to turn except to the nearest cabin or settlement. It was not a matterof choice for the traveler or merely a charitable impulse on the part of thesettlers. It reflected the harshness of daily life: if you didn t take in thestranger and take care of him, there was no one else who would. And someday,remember, you might be in the same situation.
Today there are many charitable organizations which specialize inhelping the weary traveler. Yet, the old tradition of hospitality to strangersis still very strong in the US, especially in the smaller cities and towns awayfrom the busy tourist trails. I was just traveling through, got talking withthis American, and pretty soon he invited me home for dinner-amazing. Suchobservations reported by visitors to the US are not uncommon, but are notalways understood properly. The casual friendliness of many Americans should beinterpreted neither as superficial nor as artificial, but as the result of ahistorically developed cultural tradition.
As is true of any developed society, in America a complex set ofcultural signals, assumptions, and conventions underlies all socialinterrelationships. And, of course, speaking a language does not necessarilymean that someone understands social and cultural patterns. Visitors who failto translate cultural meanings properly often draw wrong conclusions. Forexample, when an American uses the word friend, the cultural implications ofthe word may be quite different from those it has in the visitor s language andculture. It takes more than a brief encounter on a bus to distinguish betweencourteous convention and individual interest. Yet, being friendly is a virtuethat many Americans value highly and expect from both neighbors and strangers.
55. In the eyes of visitors from the outside world, ________.
(A)rude taxi drivers are rarely seen in the US
(B)small-minded officials deserve a serious comment
(C)Canadians are not so friendly as their neighbors
(D)most Americans are ready to offer help
56. It could be inferred from the last paragraph that ________.
(A)culture exercises an influence over social interrelationship
(B)courteous convention and individual interest are interrelated
(C)various virtues manifest themselves exclusively among friends
(D)social interrelationships equal the complex set of culturalconventions
57. Families in frontier settlements used to entertain strangers________.
(A)to improve their hard life
(B)in view of their long-distance travel
(C)to add some flavor to their own daily life
(D)out of a charitable impulse
58. The tradition of hospitality to strangers ________.
(A)tends to be superficial and artificial
(B)is generally well kept up in the United States
(C)is always understood properly
(D)has something to do with the busy tourist trails
A 意為:粗魯的計程車司機在美國罕見。
B 意為:心胸狹窄的官員值得嚴肅的一提(或:應受嚴肅的批評)。
C 意為:加拿大人不如其鄰國(當主要指美國)人民友好。
B 意為:禮貌的習慣與個人興趣互相影響。最後一段第五句可譯為:僅靠在公共汽車上瞬時相遇來區別禮貌是出自於文化習慣還是個人的興趣是不夠的。根據本段的主旨和全文的主旨,這句話應該理解為:判斷一個人表現出的禮貌行為究竟僅產生於其個人素質還是產生於文化的薰陶,僅看其個別的、偶然的行為是不行的。換言之,如果他隨時隨地表現為禮讓,或者,如果生活在某一區域或國家的人都表現為禮讓,那末,你才能判定禮貌行為不是一種個人現象,而是一種社會文化現象。
C 意為:各種美德僅表現在朋友關係中。這一點文章最後一段沒提到。最後一段所舉的朋友一詞的例子旨在說明:在不同文化中,相同的概念未必有同一內涵或外延。
D 意為:社會關係等於一系列複雜的文化習俗。根據該段第一句,二者是決定與被決定關係,並非等同關係。見上文分析。
A 意為:改善艱苦的生活。根據上文分析可見,陌生人受歡迎的原因主要是因為他們所帶來的精神效應,而非物質生活效應。第三段提到,拓荒地區(frontier)的殘酷現實也是形成美國人禮貌傳統的原因。一個孤獨的旅遊者有問題自然求助於路邊最近的居住點,這對旅遊者來說不是一個選擇問題(即:他別無選擇),對就近的定居者來說,提供必要的幫助也不僅僅是出於憐憫(charitable impulse)。這反映的是日常生活的嚴酷現實:如果定居者不接收並幫助他,就沒有別人了,另外,有一天定居者本人也可能處於同一境地。
B 意為:考慮到他們所做的長途跋涉。
D 意為:出於憐憫。見上文分析。
A 意為:經常是表面上的、虛假的。見上文分析。
C 意為:總是能被正確理解。相反,第四段指出,許多外國人對美國人的一些友好表示感到不可思議(amazing),這反映了他們對美國歷史文化傳統的不理解。參閱第四段第三、四、五句。
D 意為:與一些旅遊熱線有關。不對,見上文分析。
1、Strangers and travelers were welcome sources of diversion, andbrought news of the outside world.
[參考譯文] 陌生人和旅遊者是受歡迎的消遣的來源,他們帶來外部世界的資訊。
[結構剖析] 句子的主幹結構是 Strangers and travelers wereand brought。
[閱讀重點] 注意 diversion 在這裡的含義是解悶,取樂的事情,消遣,娛樂,而不是轉移,轉向的意思。
2、The casual friendliness of many Americans should be interpretedneither as superficial nor as artificial, but as the result of a historicallydeveloped cultural tradition.
[參考譯文] 許多美國人的這種隨意的友好態度不應該被看成是膚淺的或虛假的,而應該被作為一種歷史上發展而來的文化傳統的結果來解釋。
[結構剖析] 這個句子的主幹結構是 The casual friendliness should be interpreted neither as A nor Bbut as C,使用了被動語態。其中neithernor結構後用的是同樣詞性的成分:形容詞 superficial 和 artificial。
[閱讀重點] 注意 neithernorbut 結構的使用:既不是也不是而是,重點在but之後。as the/a result of:作為的結果,由於而。
3、As is true of any developed society, in America a complex set ofcultural signals, assumptions, and conventions underlies all socialinterrelationships.
[參考譯文] 就如同在任何一個發達社會裡一樣,在美國,所有社會相互關係下面都隱含著一系列複雜的文化信號、假設和傳統觀念。
[結構剖析] 句子的主幹結構是 cultural signals, assumptions, and conventions underliesinterrelationships。
[閱讀重點] 注意 as 在這裡是一個代詞,表示這一情況,這一事實。可以參考以下的例句來理解 as 的用法:The night had turned cold, as is usual around here. 夜晚變得很冷,在這一帶經常如此。
1、There are, of course, exceptions. Small-minded officials, rudewaiters, and ill-mannered taxi drivers are hardly unknown in the US. Yet it isan observation made so frequently that it deserves comment.
[參考譯文] 當然,例外是存在的。在美國,心胸狹窄的官員,粗魯的侍者,和沒有禮貌的計程車司機也並不少見。然而人們常常得出這樣的觀察意見,這使得它值得被討論一下。
[結構剖析] 第一個句子使用了 there be 句型,其中 of course 是插入語。第二句是主語+系動詞+表語結構。第三句話中使用了 so that 結構:其中 made so frequently 是過去分詞作定語,修飾前面的 observation。
[閱讀重點] 第一句中的 ofcourse 作插入語,用逗號與句子的其它部分分開,在開始閱讀的時候可以不看。注意第二句話中使用了雙重否定表示肯定:hardly unknown 等於pretty well-known。另外注意 sothat 結構的用法:太以至於。另外 observation 這裡的意思是因觀察而得出的意見。另外 it deserves comment 中的 it 指代前面的 observation。
2、Someone traveling alone, if hungry, injured, or ill, often hadnowhere to turn exce to the nearest cabin or settlement.
[參考譯文] 一個人獨自旅行的時候,如果餓了,受傷了或生病了,除了最近的小屋或者村落就無處可以投靠了。
[結構剖析] 這是一個簡單句。traveling alone 是現在分詞作定語修飾前面的 someone, if hungry, injured, or ill 實際上是簡略的 if 引導的狀語從句,相當於if hungry, injured, or ill,這裡作插入成分。另外 havesth.+動詞不定式這一結構中的動詞不定式通常是相當於定語部分,修飾前面的 sth.,這裡就是:沒有可以投靠(to turn to/動詞不定式)的地方(nowhere/sth.)。
[閱讀重點] 注意 turn to 這裡的引申含義是投靠、求助於、求教於的意思。
3、It was not a matter of choice for the traveler or merely acharitable impulse on the part of the settlers.
[參考譯文] 對於旅行者來說,這不是一個可以有多個選擇的問題,對於村落里的定居者來說,這也不僅僅是一個發善心的衝動行為。
[結構剖析] 句子的主幹 It was not a matter of choiceor merely acharitable impulse是主語+系動詞+表語結構。表語由並列的兩部分組成,由 or 來連接。
[閱讀重點] on the part of 相當於前面的 for,意思是在方面、對而言。
1. courteous 有禮貌的
[大綱詞彙]courtesy n.謙恭有禮,有禮貌的舉止(或言詞)
[衍生詞彙]courteous a.謙恭有禮的,殷勤的
[經典例句] Hisboss is genuinely courteous to his subordinates.
2. to be fair 公平地說
[經典例句] To befair,his success owes much to his wife s help.
3. exception 特例
[大綱詞彙]exception n.例外,除外 with the exception of 除之外
[經典例句] Hisbrothers are all very tall,but he is an exception.
4. small-minded 心胸狹窄的
[擴充詞彙]small-minded a.心胸狹隘的,眼界小的;固執己見的
[聯想記憶]far-sighted a.有遠見的 clear-headed a.頭腦清楚的
5. ill-mannered 無禮的
[擴充詞彙]ill-mannered a.無禮的,舉止粗魯的
6. be hardly known 幾乎無人知道
[經典例句] Thetruth of the incident was hardly know to anyone.
7. break 中止
[大綱詞彙] breakn.打斷,中止;中間休息
[經典例句] We havea study break of four days every semester.
8. otherwise 不然
[大綱詞彙]otherwise ad.另樣地,用別的方法;在其他方面;conj.要不然,否則
[經典例句] Hereminded me what I should have otherwise forgotten.
9. existence 生活
[大綱詞彙]existence n.存在,實在;生存,生活(方式)
[經典例句] Theyare working for a better existence.
10. live distant from 住得離很遠
[經典例句] Helives distant from his other relatives.
11. diversion 消遣
[大綱詞彙] diversionn.轉向,轉移
[擴充詞義]diversion n.消遣,娛樂
[經典例句] Bigcities have a lot of diversions.
12. harsh 嚴酷的
[擴充詞彙] harsha.粗糙的,難聽的,嚴厲的,嚴酷的 harshness n.粗糙,嚴酷,嚴厲
[經典例句] Theiradaptiveness came from coping with harsh conditions.
13. the frontier(美國)靠近未開發地區的已開發地區
[大綱詞彙]frontier n.國境,邊境;尖端,新領域
14. hospitality 好客
[大綱詞彙]hospitality n.好客,殷勤,款待
[衍生詞彙]hospitable a.好客的,殷勤的
[經典例句] We weredeeply moved by the hospitality of the farmers.
15. settlement 定居點
[大綱詞彙]settlement n.解決,決定,調停;居留區,住宅區
[經典例句]Israelis and Palestinians have serious disputes over Israeli new settlements.
16. injured 受傷的
[大綱詞彙] injurev.損害,傷害,損傷
[衍生詞彙] injureda.受損害的,受傷的
[經典例句] Hefound his injured finger caused a lot of trouble.
17. charitable 樂善好施的
[大綱詞彙] charityn.慈善(團體),仁慈,施捨
[衍生詞彙]charitable a.慈悲的,仁愛的,慷慨施捨的
[經典例句] Healways takes part in charitable activities.
18. impulse 衝動
[大綱詞彙] impulsev.推動; n.推動;衝動,刺激
[經典例句] Shetried to repress the impulse to dial his number.
19. on the part of 就而言;在一邊
[經典例句] Heexpressed appreciation on the part of his classmates.
20. take in 收留
[大綱詞彙] take in接受,吸收;了解,理解;欺騙
[經典例句] Andytook in a stray dog.
21. take care of 照料
[大綱詞彙] takecare of 照料,照顧;承擔,處理,負責
[經典例句] He askedhis girl friend to take care of his dog while he went away for business.
22. specialize in 專門從事
[經典例句] Thecompany specialize in car manufacture.
23. weary 疲倦的
[大綱詞彙] wearya.疲倦的;令人厭煩的;v.使疲倦,使厭倦
[經典例句] Thepilot was extremely weary with the long time flying.
24. travel through 經過
[經典例句] I wastravelling through when I saw the accident.
25. amazing 令人驚訝的
[大綱詞彙] amazev.使驚奇,使驚愕,使驚嘆 amazing a.令人驚訝的
[經典例句] Theacrobatic show was amazing to all of us.
26. superficial 表面的
[大綱詞彙]superficial a.表面的,膚淺的,淺薄的
[經典例句] We werenot satisfied with the superficial explanation of the incident.
27. artificial 矯揉造作的
[大綱詞彙]artificial a.人工的,人造的;認為的,矯揉造作的
[經典例句] She waswearing an artificial smile when appearing at the door.
28. the result of 的結果
[大綱詞彙] resultn.結果,成果,成績v.(in)導致,結果是;(from)起因於,因而造成 as a result 結果,因此 as a result of 由於的結果
[經典例句] Weregard our failure as the result of his carelessness.
29. a set of 一套
[經典例句] Weexpect that a set of rules and regulations will be drawn up.
30. convention 習俗
[大綱詞彙]convention n.大會,會議;慣例,常規,習俗;公約,協定
[經典例句]Convention now permits women to wear more colorful clothing.
31. underlie 潛存於之下
[大綱詞彙]underlying a.含蓄的,潛在的;在下面的
[衍生詞彙]underlie v.引起,潛存於之下
[經典例句] Manyfacts underlay my decision.
32. interrelationship 互相之間的關係
[構詞方法] inter-前綴,表示互相,在之間
[聯想記憶]interact v.互相作用 interdependent a.互相依賴的
33. draw conclusion 下結論
[經典例句] He drewthe final conclusion through careful analysis.
34. distinguish 分辨
[大綱詞彙]distinguish v.(from)區分,辨別;辨認出;使傑出
[經典例句] It isvery hard to distinguish the two colors.
35. keep up 保持
[大綱詞彙] keep up保持,維持;繼續進行,堅持
[經典例句] Thelady always keep up her genuine warmth to people.




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