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  擺架子 put on airs
  擺譜兒 put on airs; show off; keep up appearances
  拜把兄弟 sworn brothers
  拜年 pay New Year call
  搬遷戶 relocated families
  半拉子工程 uncompleted project
  棒球運動記者 scribe
  傍大款 find a sugar daddy; be a mistress for a rich man; lean on a moneybags
  包干到戶 work contracted to households
  包干制 overall rationing system; scheme of payment partly in kind and partly in cash
  包工包料 contract for labor and materials
  保持國民經濟發展的良好勢頭 maintain a good momentum of growth in the national economy
  保持國有股 keep the State-held shares
  保健食品 health-care food
  保理業務 factoring business
  保護性關稅 protective tariffs
  保稅區 the low-tax, tariff-free zone; bonded area
  保證重點支出 ensure funding for priority areas
  保值儲蓄 inflation-proof bank savings




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