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more than any other N
結構︰比較級+than+any other+單數名詞
說明︰此句型意為比其它任何都還。這是用 比較級 來表示 最高級 的同範圍比較 句型 。也可用 比較級 +than+all the other+複數 名詞 來表示。
John is more diligent than any other student in his class. 約翰比班上其它的同學用功。
John is more diligent than all the other students in his class.
Baseball is more popular than any other sport in Japan.
Autumn is better for reading than any other season. 秋天比任何季節都適合讀書。
Mt. Jade is higher than any other mountain in Taiwan. 玉山要比台灣的任何山都高。
... more than anyone else
結構︰比較級+than+anyone else/anything else
說明︰此句型意為比其它任何都還。這是用 比較級 來表示 最高級 的同範圍比較 句型 。anyone else 指人;anything else 指物。
John is more diligent than anyone else in his class. 約翰比班上其它的同學用功。
Time is more precious than anything else in the world. 時間比世上任何東西都寶貴。
Mary is more beautiful than anyone else in her company. 瑪麗在公司里比其它人都漂亮。
We pay less attention to time than to anything else.我們對時間的不重視超過其它任何事物。
nothing is ...er than ...
說明︰此句型意為沒有如此者。這是用 比較級 來表示 最高級 的 句型 。
Nothing is more valuable than time, but nothing is less valued.
No place is better than ones home. 沒有任何地方比得上自己的家。
Nothing is more pleasant than staying home listening to music.
Nothing gives him more pleasure than helping someone in trouble.
There is nothing to which we pay less attention than time and air.
... nothing more than N
結構︰主詞+動詞+nothing more than+名詞
說明︰此句型意為只不過。nothing more than等於nothing but。
Others are dismissed as nothing more than entertainment.
It is nothing more than a made-up story. 它只不過是杜撰的故事而已。
She wishes to be treated as nothing more than a common girl.
...er than ever
結構︰+比較級+than ever
說明︰此句型意為比以前更。than ever 等於 than ever before,意為比以前任何時候。
There it was, ticking away, louder than ever. 它就在那裡,滴答地走著,比以前更大聲。
You should be more careful than ever. 你應該比以前更小心。
Does she spend more money than ever? 她比以前花更多的錢嗎?
better ... than ...
說明︰此句型意為寧可最好還是。better 之後可接 形容詞 , 副詞 , 名詞 , 動詞 等。
Please try to attend the meeting. Better late than absent.請您儘量參加會議。遲來也比不來強。
Better to postpone the shipment than to cancel the contract. 與其撤約還不如延期裝運。
Better reduce the price than allow a discount. 與其給折扣,不如減價。
with no N is it ...er than
結構︰... and with no+名詞1+is it+比較級+than+with+名詞2
說明︰此句型意為這種情形沒有一種比更為。此種結構,由於有 no,所以用 is it的倒裝句型。
It is unreasonable to regard any language as the possession of a particular nation, and with no language is it more unreasonable than with English. 把某一種語言視為某一特定的國家所擁有是不合理的,而這種情形沒有一種語言比英語更為不合理。
It is bad to get ill, and with no disease is it worse than with cancer.
It is pleasant to chat with friends, and with no chat is it more pleasant than with close friends.
Who is the most ...
結構︰Who is the+最高級?
說明︰此句型意為誰最?。此句型中若將 who 改為 which,即用來詢問一組事物中最具某種特色的,如例句4。
Who is the oldest of them? 他們之中誰的年紀最大?
Who is the most beautiful in their family? 誰是他們家裡最美麗的人?
Who is the youngest here? 這裡誰是最年輕的?
Which is the most interesting subject for you? 哪個科目對你來說最有趣?
the ...est ... not ...
說明︰ 最高級 詞類與 not 並用時,有甚至都不的意味。
The most foolish man knows his own name. 再笨的人都知道自己的名字。
The loveliest flower cannot beat her beauty. 再漂亮的花也比不上她的美麗。
The greatest scholar cannot solve this difficult problem.
The richest man in the world cannot buy everything.
There is not the smallest chance of his escape. 他一點逃走的機會也沒有。
Not even the thickest jacket was enough to keep out the cold.
The strongest man you can think of cannot tear the log apart with bare hands.
the ...est ... that V-ed
說明︰此句型意為最。that 是 關係代名詞 完成式 中習慣使用 副詞 ever 強調。
Thats the best book that I have ever read. 那是我讀過的最好的書。
Thats the nicest thing that has ever happened to me. 那是我遇到的最美好的事。
He is the most diligent student that I have ever known. 他是我所知道的最用功的學生。
Thats the worst performance I have ever seen. 那是我所看過的最糟的一次表演。
of all the N, the ...est
結構︰of+the three/the four/all the+複數名詞,+最高級子句
說明︰此句型意為在中,最。但須注意:of the two+複數 名詞 + 比較級 子句 ,表示兩者中較,如例句7。 最高級 子句 也可置於句首。
Of the three students, he is the best. 三個學生中,他是最好的。
Jane is the best of all the students in her class. 珍是班中最好的學生。
Jane is the best of the three . 珍是三個學生中最好的一個。
Of all the high mountains, Mt. Jade is the highest. 在所有高山當中,玉山為最高。
Of all the four seasons, summer is the hottest. 在所有四季當中,夏天最熱。
Of all the girls, she is the most beautiful. 在所有這些女孩子當中,她最美。
Of the two girls, Mary is more beautiful. 這兩個女孩中,瑪麗較漂亮。
A is the ...est among ...
結構︰主詞+be 動詞+最高級++among
說明︰此句型意為是之中最。 最高級 後的 名詞 通常省略。
The Chuo-shui River is the longest one among them. 濁水溪是其中最長的一條。
Which river is the shortest among them? 哪一條河流是它們之中最短的?
Paris is the most beautiful among the cities. 巴黎是這些城市中最美的。
A is the ...est N in ...
結構︰A+be 動詞+the+最高級+名詞+in+場所。
說明︰此句型意為A 是裡面最。the 不能漏掉。
Jane is the best student in her class. 珍是她班上最好的學生。
Mr. Jones is the busiest man in the office. 瓊斯先生是辦公室里最忙的人。
The baseball game on Tuesday is the most important game this year.
A is the ...est of N
結構︰主詞+be 動詞+the+最高級+of+複數名詞
說明︰此句型意為是最的。本 句型 的意思等於 主詞 +be 動詞 +the+ 最高級 +單數 名詞 。
Robert Frost was the most American of American poets.
羅伯 佛洛斯特是最具美國風格的美國詩人。
He is the strictest of teachers in our school. 他是我們學校最嚴格的老師。
It is the most popular of movies. 這是最受歡迎的電影。
English is the most international of languages. 英語是最國際化的語言。
It is the most difficult of examinations. 那是最難的考試。
You must make the most of your opportunities. 你必須儘量利用機會。
A is the ...est of all.
結構︰主詞+be 動詞+the+最高級+of all
說明︰此句型意為是最為。 最高級 +of all的 語氣 比 最高級 強。
These frozen foods are the most convenient of all. 這些冷凍食品是最為方便。
It is the most important of all. 那是最為重要的。
They are the most dependable of all. 他們是最為可靠的。




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