


- txt下載

  unbelievable incredible 難以置信的
  diligent hardworking 勤勞的, 刻苦的
  principal chief -- leading--- main 主要的, 首要的
  employ hire 僱傭
  fire dismiss send away解僱
  assume suppose 假定
  on the verge of --- close to 接近於, 瀕臨於
  gaze at look at stare at 凝視,注視
  entitled qualified 有資格的
  employment work job 工作
  encourage inspire push 鼓勵, 激勵
  no longer no more 不再
  admit acknowledge 承認
  allow permit 允許
  state declare announce 宣布,聲明
  regret sorry 遺憾的
  remove get off 脫下
  start begin 開始
  observe -- stick to 遵守
  previous former 以前的
  maintain hold think 認為
  cause bring about lead to result in 導致
  error mistake 錯誤
  component ingredient element 成分
  solve settle 解決




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