
閱讀理解詳解15篇(Passage 14)

2023年08月27日 - txt下載
When school was out, I hurried to find my sister and get out of the schoolyard before seeing anybody in my class. But Barbara and her friends, had beaten us to the playground entrance and they seemed to be waiting for us. Barbara said, So now youre in the A class.
She sounded impressed.
Whats the A class? I asked.
Everybody made superior yet faintly envious giggling sounds. Well, why did you think the teacher moved you to the front of the room, dopey? Didnt you know you were in the C class before, way in the back of the room?
Of course I hadnt known. 『The Wenatchee fifth grade was bigger than my whole school which had been in North Dakota, and the idea of subdivisions within a grade had never occurred to me.』① The subdividing for the first marking period had been done before I came to the school, and l had never, in the six weeks Id been there, talked to anyone long enough to find out about the A, B, and C classes.
I still could not understand why that had made such a difference to Barbara and her friends. I didnt yet know that it was shameful and dirty to be a transient laborer and ridiculous to be from North Dakota. I thought living in a tent was more fun than living in a house.
I didnt know that we were gypsies, really , and that we were regarded with the suspicion felt by those who plant toward those who do not plant. It didnt occur to me that we were all looked upon as one more of the untrustworthy natural phenomena, drifting here and there like mists or winds, I didnt know that I was the only child who had camped on the Baumanns land ever to get out of the C class. I didnt know that school administrators and civic leaders held conferences to talk about the problem of transient laborers.
I only knew that for two happy days I walked to school with Barbara and her friends, played hopscotch and jumped rope with them at class intervals, and was even invited into the house for some ginger alea strange drink I had never tasted before.
1.The tone of this passage as a whole is.
A. reflective B. enthusiastic
C. impersonal D. defensive
2.The narrator had most probably been placed in the C class because .
A. she was a poor reader
B. she had come from a small school
C. the marking system confused her
D. all children of transient laborers were placed in the C class
3.The basic reason why the people in the community distrusted the transient workers was that the transient workers.
A. tended to be lawbreakers B. had little schooling
C. were afraid of strangers D. were temporary residents
4. Which of the following is not characteristic of Gypsies?
A. Wandering around the world.
B. Make ginger ale in their house.
C. Never plant something.
D. Had been foreigners wherever they go.
5.Immediately after the narrator was moved to the A class, what was the attitude of Barbara and Barbaras friends towards her?
A. Dislike B. Acceptance
C. Apology D. Jealousy
1.envious adj.嫉妒的
2.giggling n. 傻笑
3.subdivision n. 細分
4.transient adj.短暫的
5.mist n. 薄霧
6.hopscotch n. 跳房子遊戲
①【解析】and連接兩個並列的句子。第一個分句中含有than引導的比較狀語從句,注意主從句中時態的不同。occur to譯為想到,想起。
【譯文】Wenatchee 的五年級比我以前在Dakota北部的學校規模還要大,在一個年級內分班這是我以前從未想到過的。
1.A主旨題。 reflective在此意為:回顧的。在這個問題中tone意為:語氣、心情。縱觀全文, 我們可以看出,敘述者是在回憶她童年時發生的一件事及這件事 的發生所給她帶來的感受。 impersonal意為:不涉及個人情感的,客觀的。 defensive意為:辯護的,申辯的。這裡並非是作者因受到指責而為自己辯護,本文主要談的是人與人之間的歧視給作者當時幼小心靈帶來的困惑。
2.D細節題。在文章第五段第六句,本文敘述者告訴我們,在所有生活在Baumann這個地方 帳篷里的孩子中,她是迄今為止從 C班升入 A班唯一的一個孩子。而生活在那裡的人無固定工作,被稱作無固定工作者。C意為:記分體制使之困惑。
3.D推斷題。文章第四、五段指出,當地的人用懷疑的眼光來看待他們,因為,他們住帳篷,沒有固定職業,像吉普賽人一樣游移不定,四海漂泊 。 A意為:很可能成為違法分子; B意為:受過很少教育。
4.B推斷題。吉普賽人住帳篷,沒什麼房子,因而也不會在房子裡做ginger ale。另外三項都是他們的生活特色。
5.B推斷題。答對題的關鍵是準確地理解這個題。這個題提問的焦點是:敘述者剛剛升入A班後, Barbara及其朋友對她是什麼態度,而不是後來。仔細審視一下本題,我們就會得出這樣一個結論:在敘述者介入A班後,Barbara等起初是一種態度,爾後,她們改變了這種態度。從原文第四段第三句我們了解到:敘述者與Barbara等在那個學校上學至少有六個星期了,只是不知道A、B、C班的分班基礎。同時,在文章 最後一段,我們了解到:敘述者與Barbara等至少共度了兩天的快樂時光,如,課間一起玩,到她們家做客等。很明顯,這兩天說的是敘述者剛剛升入A班。