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  43.The lack of manners and common politeness is not ____ to business deals.Its a social blank.
  A.exclusive B.inclusive C.elusive D.impassive
  44.In the Christian religion,the unlucky number 13 ____ back to the Last Supper.
  A.tracks B.traces C.dates D.tails
  45.Most of the stolen cars were ____ to another country and sold to local people at lower prices.
  A.bungled B.entangled C.smuggled D.mingled
  46.The lack of discipline,____ with lack of know-how on strategic planning,led me astray for a while.
  A.bundled B.coupled C.trifled D.ruffled
  47.If you are not ____ enough in your home language,you cant handle abstract thought.
  A.literary B.literate C.illiterate D.intelligent
  48.The author believes that every person has the ____ to be a writer.
  A.mental B.initial C.potential D.possible
  A C C B B C
  43.exclusive排除的,拒絕的 inclusive包含的
  構詞法:-clud -clus 關閉
  例:conclude結束,斷定 occlude阻塞,隔斷 preclude預防,杜絕 recluse 隱居的 seclude使孤立,不讓...進入
  elusive逃避的,難以捉摸的 impassive冷漠的,無感情的
  44.track軌跡,歷程 trace足跡 tail尾巴
  45.bungle粗製濫造 entangle纏住,使混亂 smuggle走私,偷運 mingle使混合,合成
  46.bundle包袱,捆 trifle小事,少量 ruffle弄皺,觸怒




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