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Client Relations | Office Operations | Business Administration
Performance driven client administrative professional with one year of successful years facilitating support services and working in fast-paced office operations.
Strong organizational and communication skills with the ability to concurrently direct multiple business activities.
Advanced understanding of customer needs with diligent attention to detail resulting in superior customer service and high levels of client satisfaction.
Florida Community College at JacksonvilleJacksonville, FL
Diploma of College2013
Palm Chrysler SubaruRichmond, VA
Cashier/Receptionist1/2013 - Present
Maintained daily direct and indirect client relations operations including acting as point of contact when customers call in, providing company information to customers and directing customer appropriately based on their needs.
Established payment for warranty repair work by coordinating all paperwork for submission.
Verified daily cash records were accurate and complete and conducted necessary postings to Accounts Payable.
Assembled paperwork for dealer rental program and completed follow through of customer agreement. Performed office administrative duties as need to enhance the cohesiveness of the office.
Department of LaborJacksonville, FL
Computer Operator2/2012 - 1/2013
Responded to on-call requests for technical assistance. Monitored and resolved operating and error messages of users throughout the department.
Florida Community CollegeJacksonville, FL
Lab Assistant2/2011 - 2/2012
Acted as computer lab contact for student technical issues.
Law Offices of DeCarlis & SawyerRichmond, VA
Part-Time Receptionist4/2010 - 2/2011
Prepared legal papers and correspondence, including motions and subpoenas utilizing legal terminology, procedures and documents.
Assisted new and established clients by scheduling appointments and providing requested information. Maintained office supply inventory through effective planning and forecasting.
Relevant Skills
Typing to 60 WPMComputer literate - MS Office Suite
Basic bookkeepingCustomer service
Office machinesMulti-tasking
Youth Soccer Coach and ISA Certified Referee, 2011 - Present.
Senior Member, FCC Alumni Association
Leader of Troop #321, Girl Scouts of America.

國企像中石油中石化中海油這類公司主要看專業跟成績,專業對口成績很好的可以去很好的公司(北京上海天津浙江等地方),其他的在選擇工作地方上選擇性要小。專業非主幹成績等各方面優秀的也會要,非主幹專業成績一般的就要靠自己的努力使勁磨了。面試也沒那麼多花樣。成績好專業好的一般面試都會問你家庭情況 家在哪/有兄弟姐妹沒(如果你是家裡的老大,人家更想要)想不想去他們公司 有什麼要求 ,因為這類優秀學生他們很想要 。其他的會問你你有什麼特長(籃球打什麼位置,是校級還是更高級的-因為很多單位要籃球 跑步等這類體育運動特別優秀的,會為他們單位贏得榮譽),一般你都要說會打籃球桌球
還會問你入黨沒 一些年輕的這三大公司分公司也會採取私企面試模式,但都不外乎這幾個方面-自我介紹特長
私企外企面試都要複雜多,一般私企面試時間都很長,經常會問你這類問題——你有什麼優點讓我們簽你 有什麼缺點 為什麼想去我們公司 這類面試如果你說的時間很短基本沒戲,他們對成績要求不是那麼嚴,有些對英語要求可能很高
當然我上面說的三大能源公司平不是面試都很簡單,如果在雙選會之前,平且招人很少,面試也不是很簡單,上百人面試可能僅僅只要10幾個。我只過告訴你,這類國企面試最看重的是專業 成績 還有你到底想不想去(一些新疆的公司會很嚴肅的問你跟家裡商量過沒,父母同意沒,有沒有女/男朋友)
私企面試問題很好找,基本網上你找得到的一些面試技巧都是針對私企外企的 像阿帕網 外企雖然可能花樣多,但根本不會變,




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