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考生首先要把大綱規定的5500英語詞彙全部吃透,學習詞彙時要把握詞彙的內涵和外延。對於內涵來講,不能僅限於單詞的第一層含義,更要注意一詞多義現象,尤其是在考研英語中的基本含義,因為很多考研詞彙的漢語意思是考生以前不曾遇到的。例如2000年的最後一篇文章,19題的答案對應點是原文第二段的pushing,可是許多考生不清楚它有“有野心的”意思。再如:2000年passage5第一段中的distinction一詞,很多同學知道它表示“區分、區別”,但在文章當中,該詞應當被解釋為“名聲、威望”。此外,短語的多義現象也不例外:2003年passage3第四段 It’s a theory to which many economist subscribe當中,subscribe to這個短語第一次考到“同意”的意思,而並非其基本意“訂購、訂閱”。所以,考生在複習詞彙的過程中,一定不要只顧記憶難詞,還要重視簡單詞的橫向意義。
對於外延來講,要能夠把握單詞在句子中給我們的信息暗示。例如 A is a response (reaction) to B,該句型中response (reaction)本意是“反映”,但這個詞在句子中給我們的信息暗示則為B是A的原因。2001年第一篇文章第四題The direct reason for specialization is _______. 該題答案對應原文:Specialization can be seen as a response to the problem of an increasing accumulation of scientific knowledge. 同年第五篇文章最後一題 According to the passage, downshifting emerged in the US as a result of__________. 該題答案對應原文While in America the trend started as a reaction to the economic decline. 如果考生知道 be response to 這個考點的話,這類題就會迎刃而解。因此,考研學生一定要對詞彙複習加大重視度,如果連大綱要求的詞彙都沒有認識完全,那麼“順利通過考試”就成了“無米之炊”了。
The passage (author)………….mainly because____?
Which of the following is chiefly responsible for……..?
…………is largely due to________?
What is the main reason for ________?
由上述真題題目我們可以看出,題目特徵相當明顯,都出現了表示“主要的”標識詞。那麼題目特徵會引發我們怎樣的思考呢?既然是主要原因,就表明在原文中原因的闡述是不唯一的,至少有兩個以上的原因才具備出主要原因題的前提。在四個選項中,可能同時會有若干個選項都是正確的原因,但正確答案是最主要的原因。那麼,什麼樣的原因才是主要原因呢?我們可以從原文對應句中找到規律:主要原因題正確選項在原文中的對應句往往含有如下標識詞:比較級、最高級、轉折詞、above all等。我們一起看一下以往的例題:
1. 原文:Yet the BBC will have to change, because the broadcasting world round it is changing. The commercial TV channels—ITV and Channel 4—were required by the Thatcher Government’s Broadcasting Act to become more commercial, competing with each other for advertisers, and cutting costs and jobs. But it is the arrival of new satellite channels—funded partly by advertising and partly by viewers’ subscriptions—which will bring about the biggest changes in the long term.
The foremost reason why the BBC has to readjust itself is no other than ______________.
A. the emergence of commercial TV channel
B. the enforcement of Broadcasting Act by the government
C. the urgent necessity to reduce costs and jobs
D. the challenge of new satellite channels
2. 原文:Among the many shaping factors, I would single out the country’s excellent elementary schools; a labor force that welcomed the new technology; the practice of giving premiums to inventors: and above all the American genius for nonverbal, “spatial” thinking about things technological.
According to the author, the great outburst of major inventions in early America was in a large due to _______.
A. elementary schools B. enthusiastic workers
C. the attractive premium system D. a special way of thinking
3. 原文:But that may have more to do with Japanese lifestyle.
According to the author, what may chiefly be responsible for the moral decline of Japanese society? (2000年passage4第2題)
A. Women’s participation in social activities is limited.
B. More workers are dissatisfied with their jobs.
C. Excessive emphasis has been placed on the basics.
D. The lifestyle has been influenced by western values.
4. 原文:Many captive shippers also worry they will soon be hit with a round of huge rate increases. The railroad industry as a whole, despite its brightening fortunes, still does not earn enough to cover the cost of the capital it must invest to keep up with its surging traffic. Yet railroads continue to borrow billons to acquire one another, with Wall Street cheering them on.
According to the text, the cost increase in the rail industry is mainly caused by _______.
A. The continuing acquisition.
B. The growing traffic.
C. The cheering Wall Street.
D. The shrinking market.
5. 原文:The researchers studied the behavior of female brown capuchin monkeys. They look cute. They are good natured, co-operative creatures, and they share food readily. Above all, like their female human counterparts, they tend to pay much closer attention to the value of “goods and services” than males.
Female capuchin moneys were chosen for the research most probably because they are _____.
A. more inclined to weigh what they get
B. attentive to researchers’ instructions
C. nice in both appearance and temperament
D. more generous than their male companions
考研既然是一種選拔性的考試,就有區別於其他英語考試題??案,而是會有一個思考和比較的過程。考研沒有真正意義的正確選項,但有相對的better choice。在考研的選項中,很多選項都是陷阱,貌似很正確,其實有漏洞。對於這部分選項,考生應該了解一些出題者常用的陷阱設置,以便在今後做題過程中避免此類錯誤。
一、 正話反說。考研英語閱讀題中很多出題思路是“在是當中說非,在非當中說是”。
我們以2000年第一篇文章第四題為例:The author seems to believe the revival of the U.S. economy in the 1990s can be attributed to the ________.
A. turning of the business cycle
B. restructuring of industry
C. improved business management
D. success in education
根據原文:Few Americans attribute this solely to such obvious causes as a devalued dollar or the turning of business cycle. 可以看出,美國人並不認為devalued dollar or the turning of business cycle是導致美國經濟復甦的主要原因,很多同學就首先排除了選項A,但是,A恰恰是本題的正確答案,作者的觀點恰恰有別於一般美國人,在是當中說非,在非當中說是。
二、 “正確≠答案”——大多數考生的誤區
我們以2003 年的一道考研真題為例:
The author begins his article with Edmund Burk’s words to __________.
A. call on scientists to take some actions
B. criticize the misguide cause of animal rights
C. warn of the doom of biomedical research
D. show the triumph of the animal rights movement
What is this passage mainly about?
A. Approaches to the commercial use of computers.
B. Conveniences brought about by computers in business.
C. Significance of automation in commercial enterprise.
D. Advantages of credit cards in business.
我們先來看看 1998 年的一道真題:
Which of the following is true according to the passage?
A. Environmentalists were blamed for antiscience in an essay.
B. Politicians are not subject to the labeling of antiscience.
C. The “more enlightened” tend to tag others as antiscience.
D. Tagging environmentalists as “antiscience” is justifiable.
這是一道設計非常巧妙的考題,據說當年答對本題的考生不到 5% 。這道題考查了全文一半多文章的閱讀量,而且涉及很多的細節,每一個選項都有似曾相識的感覺,而選項本身就暗藏著陷阱。本題的直接依據是文中的這樣一句話:But surely that does not mean environmentalists concerned about uncontrolled industrial growth are antiscience, as an essay in US News & World Report last May seemed to suggest. 但是簡單根據這句話又會造成歧義,還必須依據“根據下文說上文的原則”,通過下文來判斷邏輯:The environmentalists, inevitably, respond to such critics. The true enemies of sciences are those who question the evidence supporting global warming, the depletion of the ozone layer and other consequences of industrial growth. 這裡提醒所有考生注意一點:當你感覺到每一個選項似乎都對、都不對的時候,千萬不要盲目憑藉印象和感覺,要學會到原文中尋求每一個選項的證據,只有確鑿的證據才是判斷正誤的法寶。


1. 詞彙:即是否仍有不認識的單詞或搭配。離考試只有一個月的複習方法是這樣的:先把歷年考研真題的電子版從網上下載,然後黏貼到一個word文檔裡面,之後使用“查找”功能,把自己不熟悉的單詞、不知道其他意義的單詞邊記邊查找,看一看這個詞在歷年考試中出現了多少遍,而每一次其用法都是什麼,自己是否都能掌握了。在詞,教考生一個猜測詞義的方法:小品詞猜詞法。所謂“小品詞”就是介詞和副詞,而常見的是:on, in, at, as, off, out, into, out of, for, to 等。很多動詞和他們搭配時,詞組的意義往往和這些詞密切聯繫,因此即便不認識動詞,也能大概猜出其整體意思來。比如: regard A as B表示“把A當成B”。但如果regard變成dismiss, disparage等難詞,考生就犯難了。其實,無論動詞是什麼,只要符合以下結構“vt +A+as+B”,都可以把動詞翻譯成為“把……”,因此整個詞組的意思就是“把A當成B”,這樣就不會影響對上下文的理解了。
2. 信息:即單詞通過語法組合到一起後,其意思是否能夠翻譯正確。這需要有一本對歷年真題進行詳解的輔導書,推薦使用《2008考研英語歷年真題解析與應試對策》(高等教育出版社出版)。考生可以把每一篇文章作為精讀,並進行翻譯。如果時間比較緊張,把解決每篇文章後面5個題的原文進行詳細翻譯和掌握就可以了。
3. 根據具體信息進行推理和判斷:即換一種英文表達方式,而不改變原意。比如:原文句子是:Nothing prevents us to be natural more than the desire to appear so. 就要用英文表達成:The more we try to look natural, the less natural we will be. 或者:The biggest obstacle on our way to be natural is our wish to be that way. 當然,這些句子其實就是真題題乾和正確選項放在一起,和原文中的出題點正好是上述的`同義轉化。
下面再舉一個真題的句子:(2006年Text3) The large,slow-growing animals were easy game, and were quickly hunted to extinction. Now something similar could be happening in the oceans. 在問題中變成:The extinction of large prehistoric animals is noted to suggest that large sea animals may face the same threat today. 畫下劃線的句子正好就是同義轉化。當然,這種情況在考研英語中到處都是,幾乎每一個題目都符合此規律。建議衝刺段的考生列出下面的表格來複習,這樣效果會更加明顯。
4. 區分論點和論據:即每一個段落的中心句在哪裡,具有什麼特徵?後面的論據是如何提供的?這些都是需要區分和掌握的內容。
5. 掌握文章的主旨:多數考生的問題在於看完文章後說不出文章中心思想。其實,可以把每個段落的中心句加起來就構成文章中心了,這對解決主旨題至關重要。比如,2001年第三篇文章的開頭就問“why...?”這就證明文章中心一定在解釋某種現象的原因,而第一題就問:What is the passage mainly about?因此,聰明的考生可以立刻選出B答案:causes of the public disappointment about newspapers.
6. 把握文章的核心概念:文章必然圍繞一個核心展開,而這樣的核心概念從詞彙角度看就是反覆出現的那些單詞所表達的概念,對把握文章主旨有巨大幫助作用。如果考生碰到選項猶豫不決時,就可以挑選包含文章中反覆提到的核心概念詞彙的那個選項。
7. 掌握文章的結構:這一點對新題型7選5指導意義最大。要搞清楚段落與段落、句子與句子之間的關係,比如主題一致、關鍵詞重現、語義互補等。
8. 清楚作者的觀點和寫作意圖,即要抓住作者對所寫問題的看法。比如,作者的理想一定與作者敘述的現實問題相反。作者如果寫污染現狀,他的目的就是號召人們保護環境;作者如果寫的是人們並不公開推崇野心和抱負,那麼作者的觀點就是應該公開推崇野心和抱負。如果掌握了這一點,有時可以瞬間解決很多問題。比如:2004年考研英語真題第四篇關於“美國學校貶低才智”的文章。該文在全文首句使用判斷句式說明說明社會現狀:“Americans today don’t place a very high value on intellect”。而通常作者所要表達的觀點都是與社會現實相反的,因此,我們就可以瞬間解決後面的兩個題目,如下:
57.We can learn from the text that Americans have a history of ______
A. undervaluing intellect
B. favoring intellectualism
C. supporting school reform
D. suppressing native intelligence
根據上述方法,我們很快就把A選出來了,因為undervalue就等於don’t place a very high value on.
60.What does the author think of intellect?
A.It is second to intelligence.
B.It evolves from common sense.
C.It is to be pursued.
D.It underlies power.


Inference類問題主要包括Significance和Communication Techniques兩大類。
1. Significance
(1)The writer implies but not directly states that__________-.
(2) It can be inferred from the passage that_________.
(3) The author strongly suggests that__________ .
(4) It can be concluded from the passage that________.
(5) The passage is intended to__________ .
(6)The writer indicates that__________ .
Nursing at Beth Israel Hospital produces the best patient care possible. If we were to solve the nursing shortage, hospital administration and doctors everywhere would do well to follow Beth Israel's example
At Beth Israel each patient is assigned to a primary nurse who visits at length with the patient and constructs a full-scale health ac-count that covers everything from his medical history to his emotion-al state. Then she writes a care plan centered on the patient's illness but which also includes everything else that is necessary.
The primary nurse stays with the patient through his hospitalization, keeping track with his progress and seeking further advice from his doctor. If a patient at Beth Israel is not responding to treatment , it is not uncommon for his nurse to propose another approach to his doctor. What the doctor at Beth Israel has in the primary nurse is a true colleague.
Nursing at Beth Israel also involves a decentralized ( 分散的 )nursing administration; every floor, every unit is a self-contained organization. There are nurse managers instead of head nurses,` in addition to their medical duties they do all their own hiring and dismissing, employee advising, and they make salary recommendations. Each unit's nurse decide among themselves who will work what shifts and when.
Beth Israel's nurse-in-chief ranks as an equal with other vice presidents of the hospital. She also is a member of the Medical Executive Committee, which in most hospitals includes only doctors.
It can be inferred from the passage that__________.
A)compared with other hospitals nurses at Beth Israel Hospital are more patient .
B)in most hospitals nurses get low salaries
C)in most hospitals nurses get low salaries
D) compared with other hospitals nurses have to work longer hour at Beth Israel Hospital
本題要求考生判斷4個選項中哪一個是根據文章可以推斷出的結論,要求考生根據文章內容作出合理的推斷。從本題所提供的4個選項來看,文章並未談及 護士 的"耐心"(A);也未談及護士的"工資待遇"(Q),只是說到護士的工資提升要由各科室推薦;更未涉及護士的"工作時間長短"(D)),文章的第一段最後一句才是得出正確答案的依據,這句的意思是:"如果我們確要解決護理工作不足的問題,那麼各地醫院的行政部門和醫生最好還是效法一下Beth Israel醫院",主句的虛擬語氣也說明這一點:迄今為止還未做到。由此可以推斷:①護理不充分是一個應該解決的問題;②這個問題普遍存在,否則就沒有必要要求各地醫院行政部門和醫生效法這家醫院的做法。因此本題的正確答案為B),本題屬於局域型問題的間接性問題,這類問題是考生出錯最多的題型。在做這類問題時,切忌從篇章的個別句子中尋找答案,而應把目光放在全篇的理解上:作者寫這篇文章的目的是什麼,針對什麼問題,如何解決等。有許多考生可能都有這種體驗:有的問題,第一遍閱讀時做對了,第二遍再細讀後,又改錯了。這就是因為他們在讀第二遍時注意了對篇章的個別句於的推敲,而忽視了整篇文章的大意。
2. Communication Techniques
(1)The fact . . . is mentioned by the author to show _________.
(2)The author achieves his purpose by depending mainly upon
(3)The writer talks about . . . in order io_________ .
(4) In discussing . . . , the author ._________
(5)The author's statement about . . . is a . . . for . . .
Example :
If women are mercilessly exploited year after year, they have only themselves to blame. Because they tremble at the thought of being seen in public in clothes that are out of fashion, they are al-ways taken advantage of by the designers and the big stores. Clothes which have been worn only a few times have to be put aside because of the change of fashion. When you come to think of it, only a woman is capable of standing in front of a wardrobe packed full of clothes and announcing sadly that she has nothing to wear. Changing fashions are nothing more than the intentional creation of waste. Many women spend vast sums of money each year to replace clothes that have hardly been worn. Women who cannot afford to throw away clothing in this way, waste hours of their time altering the dresses they have. Skirts are lengthened or shortened, `necklines are lowered or raised, and so on.
No one can claim that the fashion industry contributes any thing really important to society. Fashion designers are rarely concerned with vital things like warmth, comfort and durability. They are only interested in outward appearance and they take advantage of the fact that women will put up with any amount of discomfort, as long as they look right. There can hardly be a man who hasn't at some time in his life smiled at the sight of a woman shaking in a thin dress on a winter day, or delicately picking her way through deep snow in high- heeled shoes .
When comparing men and women in the matter of fashion, the conclusions to be drawn are obvious. Do the constantly changing fashions of women's clothes, one wonders, reflect basic qualities of inconstancy and instability? Men are too clever to let themselves be cheated by fashion designers. Do their unchanging styles of dress reflect basic qualities of stability and reliability? That is for you to decide .To the writer, the fact that women alter their old-fashioned dresses is seen as_________ .
A) a waste of money
B) waste of time
C) an expression of taste
本題問題是:女士們把過了時的衣服改來改去,在作者看來是"浪費金錢"(A));是"(女士對服裝的)喜好(品味)的表現"(C));是"(女士們)創造性的表現"(D));還是(B))所說的"浪費時間"。根據第二段所說的"waste hours of their time altering the dresses they have。"(Para。2, Line 4~5,答案應選B)。




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