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導讀:便會心靜如水, 我們只能生活在世俗里, 時間說每天都是一個機會, 美麗花兒在夢裡向你微笑, 才會看到屬於自己的那一片晴朗的天空, 會在心裡隱隱約約地覺得它們是明亮的, 一樣會把你思念
1、 Reading requires an external environment, but also an inner calmness. This is my understanding of reading.
2、 Time says that every day is an opportunity, and life says that life must be understood.
5、其實,人 ,只要知足,好像心靜水,我們只能生活在世俗里。雖然繁雜、浮華的世俗如安寧,但平靜的我們還湛藍的天空,陪悠閒的心靈凈土。
6、歲月無情 人有情,對你思念沒有停。一邊不能碰碰面,一邊像你一樣思念。發個信息你聊,搭起心理相思橋。沒有機回見你,只好說聲我想你!
7、 A person must be crazy once in his life, whether it is for a person, a relationship, a journey, or a dream.
8、 We should let go of our attachment to money and power, not in itself.
9、 Turn your face to the sun, and there will be no shadows.
11、 Enlightenment is our birthright, and all suffering stems from our refusal to accept this treasure.
12、 True wisdom is not to predict the future, but to know the present and enjoy everything in the present, without worrying about the present and the future
14、 The night is like a wild cat slipping down the mountain ridge quietly, putting all the sounds into the gorge, and the gorge snoring.
16、五彩霧沫在夢裡向你飄,動美麗兒 在夢裡向你微笑,快樂雲朵在夢裡向你行進,可愛精靈在夢裡向你招手。我的信息作為美夢通道,助你今夜美好相約!
17、 People in the plains do not leave the rice cake, and people in the mountains do not leave the bitter tea.
18、 當你手裡拿著一件東西時,你只能擁有這件東西。 如果你願意放手,你就有機會選擇別的東西。 如果一個人的心執著於自己的想法,不肯放手,那麼他的智慧只能達到一定的程度。
19、 We are always practicing smiling, and finally we become people who dare not cry.
20、 People with more stories are calmer and simpler, and people who are more shallow and flimsy are more impetuous and restless.
21、 The biggest waste is that we don』t know our own wisdom and don』t understand that we have the power of the entire universe.
22、煩了窗外心情,心情會變快樂。累了看看身體,注意放鬆困住。 了小睡一會,身體不虧。不管你在做什麼,都願發簡訊給你開心,有事沒事常聯繫!
25、 Love and humility are the best tools for us to communicate with others. It will make us invincible in the world. Love can move everything and win everything.
26、青春里,總有聊不完的經歷,我們分不清那些 過去的歲月 里是朋友老婆的愛。依稀記得,在心裡曾企盼讓螢火蟲帶我們逃走。
27、 The cries of insects seem to be singing Xia Wei's final song. The autumn is cool and the rustling wind blows quietly.
28、 Once enlightened, love will flow through you to your friend and lover whoever you think of or care about.
29、 A person must have been injured to be silent and focused. Whether it is a trauma to the soul or the body, it is good for growth.
30、修改自己的材料世界細節,自己是整個宇宙中。 很重要的一個程序。要相信自己的潛力。
31、 Whoever loves, take care of him, protect him, and give him comfort, is truly elegant love.
33、 how? Listening to the insects sing quietly, remembering that the garden is full of spring flowers, the summer wind is dry, the drops turn into autumn rain and tears, when thinking about time, only winter snow drifts.
34、 There is nothing really good in this universe, nothing really bad, it is a kind of cycle, let everyone play, and then, the time is up to go back to rest.
35、午後的陽光慵懶的撒在我的身上, 我眯著眼睛的撫摸著身旁熟睡的狗寶寶。均勻的呼吸,甜甜的陽光,讓我的心像花兒一樣靜靜地綻放著……
36、去一個地方,想念一個地方,都是那裡的人;而不是那裡。 的風景,一個城市會跟自己聯繫起來;因為以前有過很多好朋友……
37、 Only when you realize that every day is the best moment of life can you be regarded as a person who understands life.
38、 Those, we have always been anxious, and full of curiosity in the future, will vaguely feel that they are bright in my heart.
39、 Be quiet in everything; come quietly, go quietly, work quietly, harvest quietly, and avoid making noise.
41、 Shallow water is noisy, and deep water is quiet.
42、 二茶葉一斤鹽,半茶葉有衣穿茶葉,改善生活在眼前;一斤十斤鋼,四斤茶葉百斤,建設兩祖國富雙強。
43、人的 一生是渴望的一生,人們為了取得成功都在不斷地努力著,成功是成功的結果,而成為成功的必經之路。
44、 We must be thankful for the pain and frustration. It is our homework. We must train from it and then break through, so that we can truly be relieved.
45、 I like to take the bus most. At the left side of the last row, I fell asleep after sitting down, as if I walked half a city in the blink of an eye.
46、 At this time, the rain is floating outside the window, and there is a rustling sound on the soft ground. It is picturesque, and it is the noise of autumn. Like a poem, autumn is baptizing.
47、 The only way to obtain true happiness in this impermanent world is to improve the balance of mind and body through enlightenment.
48、 Destiny is in your own hands. You can create your own destiny, as long as you make up your mind.
51、 Don't always be dissatisfied with others, you should always review yourself. Dissatisfied people are suffering yourself.
52、 Looking at the blue sea, I couldn't help humming a song, feeling as brisk as a sailing boat galloping in the sea breeze.
55、 After leaving, I think you shouldn't forget one thing: Don't forget to miss me. When you miss me, don't forget that I also miss you.
56、 The villain regards his own fault as one’s fault, every time he blames the heavens and others; the gentleman regards one’s fault as his own fault, and every time he bows and blames himself.
57、 Learn to observe society with pure eyes, behave calmly and deal with things calmly. In this way, the mind can be as calm as water, and the mood can be as water.
58、 At a certain time, I miss the palm prints of a period of time; hiding in a certain place, I miss someone I care about.
60、 The students』 abnormal 安靜, I heard the teacher’s watch faintly ticking.
61、 Those who have established major events in ancient times are not only talented in the world, but also have the will to persevere.
62、 With a strong will, maintaining good habits, and being with noble people, you can get rid of many bad habits.
63、 I like the morning most. It seems that everything can be restarted. I feel sad at noon. The night is the most difficult, as it is every day.
64、 If we think that we are weak, we become weak ; If we think we are great, we become great.
65、當陶醉在愛里,我們就要變得像詩人或音樂家,像飄在天上,沒有腳走路; 用靈魂呼吸,而不是用頭腦呼吸; 用靈魂思考,而不是用頭腦; 用愛的語言交流,不說話。
67、 As a monster, my wish is to destroy at least one Ultraman.
68、 Take the tea coldly to watch the red dust, and spend the spring and autumn with the tea meditation.
69、 What kind of person you love, take care of him, protect him, and give him comfort, is truly elegant love.
70、 Don't make trouble if you don't have trouble, try to solve it if you have it.
71、 There is always a balance in life, good and bad, love and hate, happiness and sadness, lively and loneliness, which cannot be changed.
72、 半夜的新月伴隨著星星,送你好夢,撫慰你的身心; 清晨的陽光和鳥兒的低語叫你自然醒來。 過去的過去,明天會再來,忘記此刻所有的包袱,在夜的寂靜中漸漸入睡。
73、 Tao is not something that knowledge can analyze, it is an inner understanding.
74、龍騰九州喻盛世,花好月圓佳人痴;中秋情滿八方客,茶香入味。 正當時!XXX茶葉店,祝君—周末快樂,合家團圓!
75、破壞一千個人因為我身邊踏過的,我也能聽出你的腳步從聲,999個人的腳是踏過的。 在地上,只有你的腳步聲是踏在我的心上。
77、 To live a beautiful life requires a lot of patience. No complaints or explanations are absolutely personal.
78、 No one is tired of drinking water because of the ordinaryness of water, and no one abandons life because of the ordinaryness of life.
79、 True love is that others cannot feel our existence, do not occupy his space, do not tie him, and the closer we are, the more comfortable it will be.




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