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1 according to the chart…
2 the date lead us to the conclusion that…
3 the date show…
4 the tree diagram reveals how…
5 the figures show…
6 this is a cure graph which describes the trend of…
7 the pie graph depicts…
8 the graph provides some interesting date regrarding…
9 the table shows the changes in the number of … over the period from …to …
10 as is shown in the table …
11 from the table ,we can clearly see that …
12 this table shows the changing proportion of X and Y from … to …`
13 the graph,presented in a pie chart, shows the general trend in…
14 as can be seen from the grape ,the two curves show the flutuation of …
15 over the period from …to …the…remained level.
16 in the year between …and …
17 in the 3 years spanning from 2005 through 2008.
18 the number of … remained steady from …to …`.
19 the number sharply went up to …
20 the percentage of … stayed the same between … and …
21 the percentage remainede steady at…
22 the percentage of …is sightly large than that of.
23 there is not a great deal of differece between …and …
24 the graphs show a three fold increase in the number of …
25 …decreased year by year while …increased steadily.
26 there is an upward trend in the number of …
27 a considerable increase occurred from …to …
28 from …to …the rate of decrease slow down.
29 from this year on,there was a gradual declinel reduction in the …reaching a figure of.
30 be similar to …be the same as
31 there are a lot similarities between …and …
32 the difference between X and Y lies in …
這是中國學生的習慣性毛病,寫作文時候總喜歡寫上為什麼。雅思小作文是客觀性寫作,只要求通過圖表描述和總結,不能寫上為什麼,不需要解釋。參照劍5 TEST 1中曲線圖,日本在2030年左右65歲人口數量預計要陡增,但我們只要求寫出事實,不要求寫出陡增的原因!
在評分標準第二點中明確提到了Coherence and Cohesion(連貫與銜接),可見是一個相當重要的得分參考點。而很多中國學生的作文中充滿了then, after, before等這樣單調的低級連接詞,最後的得分自然不會上去。合理的`使用一些從句,關聯詞會使你的句子看起來更加精鍊和有創意。
3.趨勢描寫就是increase和decrease以及level off
同學們在描寫趨勢的上升或下降的時候常常只用到了一個increase & decrease+副詞的模式。殊不知對上升下降的描寫我們可以採取至少三種的描寫方式動詞+副詞,形容詞+名詞以及把上升下降的詞換做形容詞來使用。這也就正好避免了評分標準四Grammatical Range and Accuracy(語法範圍與精確)中的陷阱。
  4.Ending 總結段可有可無,可加主觀觀點
關於information的organizing 和paragraphing也是一個很重要的得分參照點。劍4 TEST3中是一張技工,本科,學士,研究生,碩士以及博士的男女數量分布圖。很多同學在中間描述段的時候將其按照學位的排列順序分成了六段來寫,這又讓你的內容變得複雜和臃腫了!為何不按照性別來分段呢?只需要兩段就可以將圖表內容梳理清楚。所以建議大家在動筆之前首先在自己的頭腦中有一個最為清晰和直觀明了的分段。
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