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1、一經打擊就灰心洩氣的人,永遠是個失敗者。毛姆 Once the fight are frustrated frustrated, never a loser.
2、高傲自大是成功的流沙。阿比 Arrogance is the quicksand of success.
3、許諾固然可以獲得友誼,但培養和保持友誼的還是行動。費爾瑟姆 Promise is can get friendship, but develop and maintain a friendship or action.
4、在膽小怕事和優柔寡斷的人眼中,一切事情都是不可能辦到的。司各特 To the timid and hesitating everything's eyes, everything is impossible.
5、發明的秘訣在不斷的努力。牛頓 The secret of invention in ceaseless effort.
6、立志是事業的大門,工作是登門入室的的旅途。巴斯德 Aspire to is the cause of the gate, the work is by the journey home.
7、理想是人生的太陽。德萊賽 Ideal is the sun of life.
8、一個人的真正偉大之處就在於他能夠認識到自己的渺校。保羅 A man's real greatness is that he can realize his are school.
9、事業是一切,名號只是虛聲。歌德 All business is, name is empty.
10、甘心做奴隸的人,不知道自由的力量。貝克 Content to be slaves, and don't know the power of freedom.
11、發明是百分之一的聰明加百分之九十九的勤奮。愛迪生 The invention is one percent smart and ninety-nine percent perspiration.
12、把時間用在思考上是最能節省時間的事情。卡曾斯 The time in thinking is the most can save time.
13、把人生一分為二,前半生不猶豫,後半生不後悔。溥儀 The life is split in two, first half don't hesitate, life not regret.
14、好說己長便是短,自知己短便是長。申居鄖 Short to long is short, the bosom friend is long.
15、有毅力的人,能從磐石里擠出水滿。諺語 People with perseverance, can squeeze water from the rock.
16、許多賽跑的人失敗,都是失敗在最後幾步。蘇格拉底 Many people fail, the race is failure in the last few steps.
17、天才就是這樣,終身勞動,便成天才。門捷列夫 Genius is such, life work, then become a genius.
18、距離已經消失,要麼創新,要麼死亡。托馬斯?彼得斯 Distance has disappeared, innovation, or death.
19、誰都沒有真正的愛情,而只有一見鍾情。查普曼 Who have no true love, only love at first sight.
20、習慣沒有法律那樣明智,可它們往往更盛行。狄斯累利 Habit law did not sensible, but they tend to be more popular.
21、河水泉源千年在,青春一去不復返。維吾爾族諺語 The river springs in one thousand, the youth gone forever.
22、能夠巋然不動,堅持正見,度過難關的人是不多的。雨果 Able to stay upright, insist on is seen, through the people are few and far between.
23、真理的蠟燭往往會燒傷那些舉燭的人的手。布埃斯特 Truth candle tend to burn those who take candle's hand.
24、成功是結果,而不是目的。福樓拜 Success is the result, but is not the goal.
25、惜時專心苦讀是做學問的一個好方法。蔡尚思 Precious little time to concentrate on studying is a good way to learning.
26、努力是成功之母。塞萬提斯 Hard work is the mother of success.
27、浪費時間是所有支出中最奢侈及最昂貴的。富蘭克林 A waste of time is the most extravagant and costly of all expenses.
28、一個妻子沒有辦法把丈夫拴在身邊,那是做女人的失敗。瓊瑤 Have no way to put her husband a wife tied to the side, that is to be a woman's failure.
29、強烈的信仰會贏取堅強的人,然後又使他們更堅強。華特貝基霍 Strong faith will win it takes a strong man, and then make them stronger.
30、恃國家之大,矜民人之眾,欲見威於敵者,謂之驕兵。魏相 Relies on national large, pity is, of the people you would like to see on the enemy, "the arrogance of soldiers.
31、奮鬥這一件事是自有人類以來天天不息的。孫中山 Struggle this thing is every day since humans began the restless.
32、靈感不過是頑強的勞動而獲得的獎賞。列賓 Inspiration is just tough labor for reward.
33、不謙虛的話只能有這個辯解,即缺少謙虛就是缺少見識。富蘭克林 Without humility there can only be the excuse, that is, the lack of humility is the lack of knowledge.
34、只要還有什麼東西不知道,就永遠應當學習。小塞涅卡 As long as there's something I don't know, you should study forever.
35、要做一番偉大的事業,總得在青年時代開始。歌德 To do a great career, always at the beginning of the youth.
36、誰能在愛情中最有耐心,(next88)誰就有最大的成功。喬叟 Who can in love most patient, who is the greatest success.
37、理想與現實之間,動機與行為之間,總有一道陰影。愛略特 Between the ideal and reality, between the motivation and behavior, there is always a shadow.
38、不是因成功才滿足,而是因滿足才獲得成功。阿蘭 Not meet for success, but for satisfaction is successful.
39、傲不可長,欲不可縱,樂不可極,志不可滿。魏徵 Proud not long, not vertical, not extremely, is not full.
40、越是沒有本領的就越加自命不凡。鄧拓 The more no ability became more pretentious.
41、所有堅忍不拔的努力遲早會取得報酬的。安格爾 All perseverance efforts will get remuneration sooner or later.
42、什麼是天才!我想,天才就是勤奮的結果。郭沫若 What is a genius! I think, genius is hard work.
43、天下無難事,惟堅忍二字,為成功之要訣。黃興 The world is difficult, but perseverance, is the key to success.
44、成功的秘訣端賴堅毅的決心。英狄茲雷利 The secret of success depends on gritty determination.
45、必須體驗過痛苦,才體會到生的快樂。大仲馬 Have to experience pain, feel the happiness.
46、人生至愚是惡聞已過,人生至惡是善談人過。申居鄖 Life is to fool the evil smell has passed, and the evil is good to talk about.
47、貧不足羞,可羞是貧而無志。呂坤 Poverty is lack of shame, shame is poor without ambition.
48、在人生中最艱難的是選擇。莫爾 The most difficult in life is to choose.
49、勤奮是一種可以吸引一切美好事物的天然磁石。羅?伯頓 Diligence is a kind of can attract the lodestone of every good thing.
50、航天這門活,地面工作做透了,天上就不會出問題。張履謙 Space it live, the ground work, the sky won't be a problem.
51、只要我們勇敢去追求,所有的夢想都會實現。華特?迪斯尼 If we are brave to pursue, all dreams can achieve.
52、人生就像一場戲,演好自己的角色才是戲成功的關鍵。袁方 Life is like a play, play your role is the key to the success of the play.
53、無論何時,不管怎樣,我也絕不允許自己有一點點心喪氣。愛迪生 No matter when, no matter how, I also never allow yourself to have a little heart.
54、一次失敗,只是證明我們成功的決心還夠堅強。博維 A failure, just to prove we are determined to succeed is strong enough.
55、搞科學工作需要人的全部生命,八小時工作制是行不通的。朱冼 Make scientific work need all one's life, an eight-hour working day system doesn't work.
56、青年總是更樂於跟著革新者走的。列寧 Youth is always more willing to follow the innovators.
57、人生的小小不幸,可以幫助我們度過重大的不幸。伊森伯格 A small misfortune in life, can help us through great misfortune.
58、秩序,只有秩序才能產生自由。法國 Order and only order to produce free.
59、天才是百分之一的靈感,百分之九十九的血汗。愛迪生 Genius is one percent inspiration and one percent perspiration.
60、我們要記著,作了繭的蠶,是不會看到繭殼以外的世界的。李四光 We want to remember, make the silkworm cocoon, cocoon shell which is not see the world.
61、兄弟可能不是朋友,但朋友常常如兄弟。富蘭克林 A brother may not be a friend, but a friend is often as brothers.
62、世界會向那些有目標和遠見的人讓路。馮兩努 The world will give way to those who have goals and vision.
63、成功的唯一秘訣堅持最後一分鐘。柏拉圖 The only secret of success - stick to the last minute.
64、頑強的毅力可以征服世界上任何一座高峰。狄更斯 Dogged willpower can conquer any peak in the world.
65、相信自己的力量吧,我們是青年!臧克家 Believe ourselves, we are young!
66、道德能幫助人類社會升到更高的水平,使人類社會擺脫勞動剝削制。列寧 Morality can help human society rises to a higher level, make the human society to get rid of labor exploitation system.
67、我撲在書上,就像飢餓的人撲在麵包上。高爾基 I jump in the book, like a hungry person sees a loaf of bread.
68、那裡有天才,我是把別人喝咖啡的工夫都用在工作上的。魯迅 There is a genius, I'm with all the others drink coffee time at work.
69、拚命去爭取成功,但不要期望一定成功。麥可?法拉第 Hard to strive for success, but don't expect a certain success.
70、青年需要有歡樂,歡樂需要有愛情。艾肯賽德 Youth need to be happy, happy need to have love.
71、貧而懶惰乃真窮,賤而無志乃真賤。羅丹 Poor and lazy is really poor, base without ambition is the true mean.
72、青年應該同時代一起前進,應該把前人的偏見踩在腳下。亨利?特魯亞 The youth should be moving forward with a contemporary, should step on the predecessors' prejudices.
73、連一個好朋友都沒有的人,根本不值得活著。德謨克利特 Doesn't even have a good friend of the people, not worth living.
74、志不真則心不熱,心不熱則功不緊。顏元 Not real, the heart is not hot, the heart is not hot work is tight.
75、我覺得坦途在前,人又何必因為一點小障礙而不走路呢?魯迅 I think road in the former, people why because a small obstacles and not to walk?
76、卑怯的人,即使有萬丈的憤火,除弱草以外,又能燒掉什麼呢?魯迅 Base, even if there is an angry fire, in addition to the weak grass, can burn again?
77、人生天地之間,若白駒過隙,忽然而已。莊子 The life between heaven and earth, if the blink, suddenly just.
78、有朋友的人像平原一要寬廣,沒有朋友的人卻像窄狹的手掌。蒙古族 Have a friend like a plain to broad, a man without a friend is like close the palm of your hand.
79、以人為本的管理就是管理人員的創新精神。張瑞敏 Human-oriented management is the management of innovation spirit.
80、黃金時代是在我們的前面,不是在我們的背後。培根 The golden age is in front of us, not behind us.
81、我以為挫折、磨難是鍛鍊意志、增強能力的好機會。鄒韜奮 I thought that setbacks and tribulations is exercise will, enhance the ability of good chance.
82、人有沒有信念並非取決於鐵鏈或任何其他外在壓力。托?卡萊爾 People have a belief is not depends on the chain or any other external pressures.




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