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GRE雙空題需要同時滿足兩個空格內的選擇都符合句意,看似難度不低,但反過來想,只要其中一格不符合意思,那就可以直接排除整個選項,通過這種思路,我們的解題方法也變得比較清晰明了: 如果有兩個空格,有一個空格我們拿不准,另外一個空格我們可以判斷出哪個選項里的答案具有相對優勢,但是與這個具有相對優勢答案搭檔的另一個詞卻是我們不怎麼看好的,或者是說不會選的。這種情況下,我們可以優先考慮具有相對優勢的選項,先確定有把握的空格,再去考慮另外一個。
例1:To believe that a culture's achievement can be measured by the ------- of its written material requires one to accept that a page of junk mail is as ------- as a page of great literature.
A. nature readable
B. quality prevalent
C. timelessness understandable
D. applicability eloquent
E. volume valuable
2、 C中的prevalent 也不是很貼切,如果填prevalent的話,那就是說「將垃圾一樣的信件看作與文學巨著一樣遍布全世界就可以了。」這樣的話,這個信件就更沒有什麼價值了,總不能說到處都是這種信件,那麼就可以衡量一個文化的成就了?這個也不符合實際。只有選項E中的「有價值的」,才符合題意,文學巨著之所以是巨著,就是因為它的價值,所以綜上分析,只有valuable 切合題意。
然而在考試中,雖然有些考生對後面的valuable 很有把握,但是他們對前面的volume 卻不理解,對volume想不通,但是又不能說這個詞肯定錯,只能說不懂。這個nature看來好象有點通,但是又不是最好的,因為這個nature是萬能詞彙,很多地方可用。怎麼辦,許多時候我們的思維便開始保守。這個volume不懂什麼意思,乾脆就選a吧。Readable似乎也通。而且煞有介事的給readable找了一些成立的理由。而錯誤,便由此產生。
例2:As the creation of new knowledge through science has become ---- resistance to innovation has become less ---- taking the form of inertia rather than direct attack.
A. controversial sporadic
B. institutionalized aggressive
C. essential effective
D. public circumspect
E. suspect lively
1、 A中的「sporadic」表示的是「零星的」意思,「resistance」怎麼可以是「零星的」?填這個的話說不通,同樣的將D中的「慎重的」和E中的「活潑的」放進去,同樣是理解不了題意。所以簡單的分析過後,我們就可以通過非常有把握的一個空將ADE三項排除,其他的BC兩項也就是我們要研究的對象。
2、選項B中,把詞放回句子中去,意思就是通過科學研究獲得的知識越來越「規範」,抵製革新的力量也就不那麼具有「侵略性」了,也就是說這種抵制漸漸少了。後面的這個空里填「aggressive」考生大部分都會選這個,可是前面的那空填「institutionalized」好像弄不懂,迷茫之時看看選項C,好像可以切合題意, 「effective resistance」好像意思也不怎麼好理解,但是前面填那個空很好理解。而且用「effective」好像也勉強說得通,在這種思想下,很多考生就會選擇C。其實不然,如果說選C的話,那麼有些地方就應當有些疑問,新知識在什麼時候都是關鍵的,都是重要的,那麼就不用再強調通過科學研究獲得的知識了,所以C選項意思大概可以符合題意,但是這個答案是經不起細究的。這就是我們平常在做題時踏入的思維誤區,除非你能確定與它搭檔的詞肯定是用不了的,如果不能的話,還是應該儘量選擇你認為在這個題目中具有相對優勢的。
1. As long as nations cannot themselves accumulate enough physical power to dominate all
others, they must depend on ________ .
A. allies
B. resources
C. freedom
D. education
E. self-determination
2. We realized that John was still young and impressionable, but were nevertheless
surprised at his ________ .
A. na?veté
B. obstinateness
C. decisiveness
D. ingeniousness
E. resolve
3. The self-important cant of musicologists on record jackets often suggests that true
appreciation of the music is an ________ process closed to the uninitiated listener, however
A. unreliable
B. arcane
C. arrogant
D. elementary
E. intuitive
4. Many artists believe that successful imitation, far from being symptomatic of a lack of
________, is the ?rst step in learning to be creative.
A. elegance
B. resolution
C. goodness
D. originality
E. sympathy
5. As serious as she is about the bull?ght, she does not allow respect to ________ her
sense of whimsy when painting it.
A. inspire
B. provoke
C. suppress
D. attack
E. satisfy
6. The new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological
factors in mental illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing
physiological conditions and ________ such illnesses.
A. disguise
B. impede
C. constrain
D. precipitate
E. consummate
7. Because no comprehensive ________ exist regarding personal reading practices, we do
not know, for example, the greatest number of books read in an individual lifetime.
A. records
B. instincts
C. remedies
D. proposals
E. commercials?
8. Usually the ?rst to spot data that were inconsistent with other ?ndings, in this particular
experiments she let a number of ________ results slip by.
A. inaccurate
B. veri?able
C. redundant
D. salient
E. anomalous
9. Psychology has slowly evolved into an ________ scienti?c discipline that now functions
autonomously with the same privileges and responsibilities as other sciences.
A. independent
B. unusual
C. outmoded
D. uncontrolled
E. inactive
10. Even those who disagreed with Carmen's views rarely faulted her for expressing them,
for the positions she took were as ________ as they were controversial.
A. complicated
B. political
C. subjective
D. commonplace
E. thoughtful
1. Despite the fact that the two council members belonged to different political parties, they
________ the issue of how to ?nance the town debt.
A. complicated
B. avoided
C. attested to
D. reported on
E. agreed on
2. The breathing spell provided by the ________ arms shipments should give all the
combatants a chance to reevaluate their positions.
A. plethora of
B. moratorium on
C. reciprocation of
D. concentration on
E. development of
3. The notion that cultural and biological in?uences ________ determine cross-cultural
diversity is discredited by the fact that, in countless aspects of human existence, it is
cultural programming that overwhelmingly accounts for cross-population variance.
A. jointly
B. completely
C. directly
D. equally
E. eventually
4. At several points in his discussion, Graves, in effect, ________ evidence when it does
not support his argument, tailoring it to his needs.
A. addresses
B. creates
C. alters
D. suppresses
E. substitutes
5. Regardless of what ________ theories of politics may propound, there is nothing that
requires daily politics to be clear, thorough, and consistent— nothing, that is, that requires
reality to conform to theory.
A. vague
B. assertive
C. casual
D. vicious
E. tidy
6. After a slow sales start early in the year, mobile homes have been gaining favor as
________ to increasingly expensive conventional housing.
A. reaction
B. an addition
C. an introduction
D. an alternative
E. a challenge
7. Just as such apparently basic things as rocks, clouds, and clams are, in fact, intricately
structured entities, so the self, too, is not an "elementary particle," but is ________
A. a complicated
B. a convoluted
C. a distorted
D. an amorphous
E. an illusory?
8. Considering how long she had yearned to see Italy, her ?rst reaction was curiously
________ .
A. meditative
B. tepid
C. categorical
D. unoriginal
E. insightful
9. Although adolescent maturational and developmental states occur in an orderly
sequence, their timing ________ with regard to onset and duration.
A. lasts
B. varies
C. falters
D. accelerates
E. dwindles
10. While the delegate clearly sought to ________ the optimism that has emerged recently,
she stopped short of suggesting that the conference was near collapse and might produce
nothing of signi?cance.
A. substantiate
B. dampen
C. encourage
D. elucidate
E. rekindle




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