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  第Ⅰ卷 聽力測試(選擇題20分)
  1.A.Its five oclock.  B.Its a fine day.  C.Its Monday today.
  2.A.Thats OK.      B.Not at all.     C.Oh,its over there.
  3.A.How do you do?    B.It doesnt matter. C.Yes,I am.
  4.A.Its too far!     B.Its fine.     C.No,Idont think so.
  5.A.Here you are!     B.Yes,please.     C.Thats very kind of you.
  6.Peter went to a ________ yesterday.
   A.fruit shop  B.cinema  C.factory
  7.Mr Zhang is a ________.
   A.worker    B.doctor  C.teacher
  8.A.My mother never eats fish.
   B.My mother likes fish very much.
   C.My mother doesnt like fish at all.
  9.A.Lucy does well in Chinese.
   B.Lucy cant speak Chinese at all.
   C.Lucy doesnt study Chinese.
  10.A.Alice has never been to New York.
    B.Alice has lived in New York for five years.
    C.Alice came here from New York five years ago.
  11.A.Mr Green.    B.Mr King.      C.Mr Read.
  12.A.Tea.      B.Bread.       C.Milk.
  13.A.In her room.  B.In the garden.   C.In the school.
  14.A.On the farm.  B.In the library.  C.At the doctors.
  15.A.He wants to live in a quiet place.
    B.The house here is too old.
    C.He has to drop his shoes on the floor every night.
  16.Who asked Robert to a dinner party?
    A.A poor man.  B.A rich man.  C.A young woman.
  17.What was Robert wearing at first?
    A.Old clothes.  B.A blue coat.  C.Only a shirt.
  18.Why did Robert go back home? He went back home to ________.
    A.eat some good food
    B.take off his fine coat
    C.put on his best clothes
  19.Why was the rich man very kind to Robert when he came to the party again?
    A.Because he liked Roberts fine clothes very much.
    B.Because he thought Robert was a rich man.
    C.Because he thought Robert was a poor man.
  20.What did Robert do when he came back to the party again?
    A.He thanked the rich man for taking him to the best table.
    B.He took off his coat and started to eat.
    C.He asked his coat to eat.
  第Ⅱ卷 筆試(選擇題45分)
  21.A.name   B.bag   C.cat   D.map
  22.A.bike   B.time   C.give
  23.A.clean  B.teach  C.please  D.head
  24.A.short  B.horse  C.sport  D.work
  25.A.class  B.city   C.come   D.cake
  26.The box is heavy.I cant carry it.
    A.not good  B.not light   C.not new
  27.There are a lot of trees in the park.
    A.many    B.some      C.few
  28.Mum,Im hungry.Can I have some cakes?
    A.play    B.drink     C.eat
  29.They go shopping every day.
    A.buy things B.borrow books  C.work in the shop
  30.He can take care of small children.
    A.look at   B.look for    C.look after
  31.There is ______ old woman in the car.
    A.不填   B.the   C.a   D.an
  32.We often go to the park ______ Sundays.
    A.on    B.in    C.at   D.from
  33.My book ______ on the desk.
    A.is    B.am    C.are  D.be
  34.Which language is ______, English,French or Chinese?
    A.difficult      B.the diffcult
    C.more diffcult    D.the most diffcult
  35.______ book is this?
    Its Kates.
    A.When   B.Why   C.Where D.Whose
  36.Can you write a letter in English?
    No,I ______.
    A.may not  B.mustnt C.cant D.neednt
  37.I ______ my homework when Mike came last night.
    A.do  B.was doing  C.am doing  D.have done
  38.He began to _______ English three years ago.
    A.learn   B.learns  C.learned   D.learning
  39.Jim is a driver, ______ he?
    A.does  B.doesnt  C.is  D.isnt
  40.Whats wrong ______ you?the doctor asked.
    A.from  B.with  C.for  D.at
  41.He is rich, ______ he isnt happy.
    A.or  B.so  C.and  D.but
  42.Where is Alice?
    She ______ to the library.
    A.goes  B.will go  C.has gone  D.had gone
  43.Help ______ to some meat,Mary,my aunt said to me.
    A.themselves  B.ourselves  C.yourself  D.himself
  44.Well stay at home if it ______ tomorrow.
    A.rain  B.rains  C.is raining  D.will rain
  45.The students ______ on a farm for ten days. Then they ______ to a factory. Though they ______ back at school,they still remembered those farmers and workers.
    A.have stayed;went;were    B.had stayed;go;are
    C.have stayed;go;have been  D.had stayed;went;were
   Peter was a small boy. He lived with his parents in a small house near some hills.The people there were all poor.
   One night it was very dry and windy.
   When everybody was asleep, Peter suddenly heard some noise. It came out from the kitchen. He got up and walked to the kitchen. He found that the wood beside the stovewas burning. There was no water tapin the house, so he could not put outthe fire. He shouted loudly to wake up everyone in the house. They all left their houses quickly.
   At last the fire was put out by the firemen. Many houses were burnt. But nobody was hurt in the fire.
  46.Peter lived with his ______.
    A.sisters  B.brothers  C.uncles  D.parents
  47.One night he found that ______ beside the stove was burning.
    A.the table  B.the wood  C.the door  D.the window
  48._____, so he could not put out the fire.
    A.Everybody was asleep    B.He couldnt shout loudly
    C.The kitchen was very big  D.There was no water tap in the house
  49.Peter knocked on the doors of many houses ______.
    A.to wake the people up    B.to get some water
    C.to find his classmates   D.to visit them
  50.______ hurt in the fire.
    A.People in other houses were  B.Peters parents were
    C.Nobody was          D.Peter was
   Youre just in time, Joe. Were going to play cowboysand Indians, and you can be the Indians,one of my cousinssaid.
   How many Indians? I asked.
   Oh, about a thousand,he answered, and before I could say no,I was pushed out into the night and became a thousand Indians. Two minutes later I was running in the fields with a group of cowboys behind. The shouts of After them.Lets catch the killers!and other such TV-play language came into my ears as I ran round a corner and hurried into my Grandpas car.
   Weve got him,boys. Lets go and catch him!
   But no one wanted to come to get me. All of my cousins except one were always very friendly with me. It was quiet outside. And I went out of the car to have a look.
   Just then I heard a shout,Bring the rope,and we can burn him.
   Only Indians burn people. Cowboys...,I stopped just in time. I had almost said, Cowboys hangpeople.
   I was tied to a tree, and the cowboys were looking for some wood when my dear mother called, Were leaving now.
   Why did Bobby want matches?Mum asked when we were in the car.He was asking Dad whether he had any.
   Oh,he was just going to matches? MATCHES? Are you sure he wanted matches?
   Mother was quite sure, and I didnt say any more.
  51.How many children played the Indians?
    A.One thousand.  B.One hundred.  C.One group.  D.One.
  52.Why did Joes cousin say that Joe was just in time? Because ____________.
    A.there were not enough children for the game
    B.the game was just going to start
    C.none of his cousins wanted to be the Indians
    D.they were waiting for Joe
  53.Joe didnt sayCowboys hang people.out because ____________.
    A.he was tied to a tree
    B.that would make things worse
    C.he was caught by the cowboys
    D.that would make the cowboys angry
  54.Which of the following is TRUE?
    A.One of Joes cousins was looking for matches.
    B.Dad didnt want to give the children any matches.
    C.Bobby wanted to get some matches from his father.
    D.Mum didnt think children should play with matches.
  55.The name of the story should be _______________.
    A.Joe and his cousins
    B.Who knows what danger is waiting there
    C.Cowboys-and-Indians is a favourite childrens game
    D.How cowboys and Indians fought in the past
   James was a boy.He was different from other children. He did everything very slowly. His parents did not know what was 56 . So they took him to a 57 . The doctor 58 that the boy could not see anything. And he said that he could do nothing to 59 him. James parents were very 60 .
   James grew bigger every day. He was healthy and happy. But he could not 61 himself.
   One day hes parents heard that there was a good doctor in a town. They took the boy to 62 him. The doctor 63 a small operation and James could 64 .
   How 65 everyone was!
  56.A.this   B.there   C.ready     D.wrong
  57.A.teacher  B.doctor   C.driver    D.farmer
  58.A.took   B.read    C.found     D.forgot
  59.A.wait   B.tell    C.help     D.teach
  60.A.sad    B.tired   C.free     D.angry
  61.A.put on  B.wake up  C.look after  D.stand up
  62.A.visit   B.thank   C.watch     D.answer
  63.A.did    B.saw    C.called    D.hoped
  64.A.hear   B.see    C.speak     D.run
  65.A.easy   B.clear   C.busy     D.happy
   We were going to play a team from a country school. They didnt come until the game time arrived. They looked 66 than we had thought. They were wearing dirty blue jeansand looked like farm boys. We even thought that they had never seen a basketball before.
   We all sat down. We felt that we didnt 67 any practiceagainst a team like that.
   It was already so late that no 68 could be given to them for a warm-up.
   The game began.
   One of our boys 69 the ball and he shota long pass to our forward. From out of nowhere a boy in a dirty T-shirt 70 the pass and with a beautiful formhe shot and got two points.
   They 71 us.
   Then they got another 72 of points in a minute.
   Soon it was all over. The country team 73 us.
   We certainly learned that even though a team is good, there is usually another 74 a little better. But the important lesson learned was:One cant tell a man, or a team, by the 75 .
  66.A.stronger  B.younger  C.worse   D.less
  67.A.get     B.try    C.use    D.need
  68.A.basket   B.space   C.ball   D.time
  69.A.got     B.played   C.missed  D.carried
  70.A.caught   B.changed  C.started  D.stopped
  71.A.surprised  B.kept    C.broke   D.hit
  72.A.half    B.pair    C.group   D.double
  73.A.won     B.saved   C.beat   D.joined
  74.A.just    B.already  C.about   D.almost
  75.A.T-shirts  B.clothes  C.places  D.points
  第Ⅲ卷 筆試(非選擇題 35分)
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