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  1. Some volunteers from Beijing arrived in Shanghai _______ April 29 to work for the World Expo.
  A. on B. at C. of D. to
  2. Tom will call me as soon as he ______home.
  A. gets B. has got C. got D. will get
  3. The road _____last year.
  A. builds B. built C. was built D.is built
  4. --- Do you know _____ the Capital Museum?
  ---Next Friday.
  A. when will they visit B. when they will visit
  C. when did they visit D. when they visited
  5.The teacher said that the earth _____ the sun.
  A. move around B. moved around
  C. moves around D. had moved around
  1. A. 考點:考察時間介詞。On表示具體日期; at表示時間概念的某時刻,如at nine oclock, 時間如at noon,階段at the present stage等。April 29有日期,所以用on。
  2. A. 考點:時間狀語從句。在時間狀語從句里,如果主句用一般將來時,由as soon as引導的從句用一般現在時表將來時,即主將從現。
  3. C.考點:被動語態。road是build的承受著,存在被動關係。last year表過去時,所以用一般過去時的被動語態。
  4. B. 考點:賓語從句。賓語從句語序為陳述句語序,排除A、C。根據回答Next Friday,可知事情還未發生,用將來時,排除D。
  5. C. 考點:賓語從句。一般來說,主語用過去時,從句也用過去時的時態,也就是主過從過。 但由於地球圍繞太陽轉是一個真理,雖然主句是過去時,從句還是要用現在時。     




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