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1.Whats the terrible noise upstairs? I can hardly stand that.
Our neighbors ________ a party.
A.are having B.were having
C.will have
2.What a pity! You missed the beginning of the movie.It ________ for 10 minutes.
Oh, a traffic jam!
A.began B.started
C.has been on D.has been off
3.Attention, please! There ________ a basketball game between our class and Class 5.
A.has B.is going to be
C.will have D.is going to have
4.When ________ this kind of car________?
Three years ago.
A.did; produce B.was; produced
C.is; produced D.does; produce
5.Have you ever been to Tokyo?
Yes.I ________ there twice.Its a modern city.
A.have gone B.have been
C.had gone
6.We couldnt find you anywhere around 8:00 yesterday evening.
Im sorry for it.My mother and I ________ in the square.
A.danced B.will dance
C.were dancing D.are dancing
7.Wheres our math teacher?
He ________to Shanghai.
A.has gone B .has been C. is going
8.Have you known Dr.Jackson for a long time?
Yes, since she ________ the Chinese Society.
A.joined B.joins
C.has joined
9.Hey, Molly.You ________ on the phone just now.But you werent here and the man left a phone number.
Oh? I was in the library.
A.wanted B.are wanted
C.were wanted D.have wanted
10.I think teenagers should ________ drive.They are not serious enough.
A.be allowed to
B.not be allowed to
C.not allow to
11.John likes playing soccer very much and he ________ about one hour playing it every day.
A.spent B.will spend
C.has spent D.spends
12.It ________ hard outside.You have to stay at home.
A.rain B.is raining
13.The last time I ________ to the cinema was two years ago.
A.go B.have gone
C.have been D.went
14.He promised to pick me up at the school gate.However, he ________ yet.
A.didnt arrive B.doesnt arrive
C.isnt arriving D.hasnt arrived
15.There ________ a concert on Qixing Square next Monday evening.
A.is B.is going to
C.is going to be D.will have
16.Jim isnt in the classroom.Where is he?
He ________ to the teachers office.
A.will go B.has gone
C.had gone D.is going
17.Amy, I called you yesterday evening, but nobody answered the phone.
Oh, I ________ a walk with my mother at that time.
A.take B.took
C.am taking D.was taking
18.There was a big earthquake in Japan, but luckily many people ________.
A.save B.saved
C.are saved D.were saved
19.Dont worry.Your package ________ here until you come back, so enjoy shopping here.
A.will keep B.has kept
C.will be kept D.has been kept
20.In many places in China, the old over 90 ________ not only by the family but also by the government.
A.is taking good care
B.are taken good care of
C.is taking good care of
D.are taken good care
1.Paul and I ________ tennis yesterday.He did much better than I.
A.play B.will play
C.played D.are playing
2.My aunt is a writer.She ________ more than ten books since 1980.
A.writes B.wrote
C.has written D.will write
3.Driving after drinking wine ________ in China.
A.allows B.doesnt allow
C.is allowed D.isnt allowed
4.Some students in Shanghai ________ ebags for several months.
A.have B.have had
C.had D.will have
5.Look! The boys ________ football on the playground.
A.plays B.play
C.are playing D.played
6. Have you ever been to Nanning?
Yes, ________.
A.I was B.I do
C.I am D.I have
7.The Spring Festival ________ in January or February.
A.celebrates B.is celebrated
C.celebrated D.was celebrated
8.I didnt hear you because I ________ the news on the radio.
A.listen to B.am listening to
C.listened to D.was listening to
9.I ________ my homework.I guess I cant join you.
A.dont finish B.didnt finish
C.havent finished D.wont finish
10.Are you going to the bank, Laura?
No, I ________ to the bank already.
A.have been B.have gone
C.am going D.went
11.After a big party, the rubbish ________ everywhere.Its so terrible.
A.can find B.finds
C.can be find D.can be found
12.Mr.Black is going to marry a girl he ________ in Japan last year.
A.meets B.met
C.has met D.would meet
13.Its difficult for village children to cross the river to school.
I think a bridge ________ over the river.
A.should be built B.will build
C.is built D.was built
14.Do you know Lucys grandma?
Of course.She is a kind woman, but she has ________ for about a year since she ________ in the accident.
A.been dead; was killed
B.d ied; was killed
C.been dead; killed
D.died; killed
15.So far this year, many new houses ________ in Wenchuan with the help of the government.
A.build B.are built
C.will build D.have been built
16.You have found your lost umbrella, havent you?
Yes.I ________ it behind the door this afternoon.
A.have found B.will find
C.found D.find
17.Sandy, I called you at 9:00 last night, but nobody answered the phone.
Im sor ry.We ________ a birthday party for Jerry.
A.had B.were having
C.are having D.will have
18.Please turn off the radio.Grandma ________ now.
OK, Ill do it right now.
A.is sleeping B.will sleep
C.slept D.sleeps
19.Whats the best present you have ever ________?
A.received B.receives
C.receiving D.receive
20.The computer is broken.________ it ________ today?
A.Will; repair
B.Has; repaired
C.Will; be repaired
D.Has; been repaired
1.How often do I need to feed the bird?
They ________ food every day, or they will be hungry.
A.must give B.mustnt give
C.must be given D.mustnt be given
2.She ________ this book for nearly three weeks.
A.has borrowed B.has lent
C.has bought D.has kept
3.Mary isnt here at the moment.She ________ later.
A.comes B.came
C.has come D.is coming
4.He said he would tell me the whole story, but I ________ it so far.
A.wont know B.havent known
C.doesnt known D.didnt know
5.I ________ the ticket tomorrow.
A.get B.will get
C.gets D.got
6.As everyone knows, rubbish ________ everywhere.
A.need be thrown
B.mustnt be thrown
C.cant throw
D.may throw
7.I ________ my homework at nine oclock last Sunday morning.
A.am doing B.was doing
C.do D.did
8.How well do you know the Opera House?
I know the place very well.I ________ Sydney many times.
A.have been in B.have been to
C.have gone to D.have arrived in
9.Each time tourists travel to Beijing, they ________ the Forbidden City.
A.will be shown up
B.will be shown around
C.will show around
D.will show up
10.What happened to Billy?
He ________ because of his drinkdriving.
A.is caught B.was caught
C.has caught D.had caught
11.Prison Break is the best American TV play that I ________ these years.
A.watch B.will watch
C.have watched D.was watching
12.Good news! There ________ fewer people
catching this kind of illness now.
A.are B.is
C.was D.were
13.The meeting ________ last month.
A.holds B.was taken place
C.was held D.takes place
14.Jack, I havent seen your brother for a long time.
He________Shanghai on business for two months.
A.went to B.has gone to
C.has been in D.has been to
15.The dirty room ________ as soon as possible.
A.needs cleaned
B.needs clean
C.needs to be cleaning
D.needs cleaning
16.Things should ________ here before you enter the Great Museum.
A.keeps B.keep
C.be kept D.are kept
17.Today, Chinese is becoming more and more popular.It ________ in many schools around the world.
A.teach es B.is teaching
C.is taught D.teach
18.Can you answer t he door, Jim?I ________ the dishes.
Im coming, dad.
A.do B.did
C.have done D.am doing
19.A talk________on development in science and technology in the school hall next week.
A.given B.will be given
C.has been given D.gives
20.Judy with her brother ________ computer games when her mother came back.
A.were playing B.are playing
C.was playing D.is playing
1-5 ACBBB 6-10 CAACB 11-15 DBDDC
16-20 BDDCB
1-5 CCDBC 6-10 DBDCA 11-15 DBAAD
16-20 CBAAC
1-5 CDDBB 6-10 BBBBB 11-15 CACCD
16-20 CCDBC




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