
英語六級詞彙解析 Lesson 15


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  Absurd a.荒謬的,荒唐的
  The idea that number 13 brings bad luck seems to quite absurd.認為13是不吉利的數字這一觀念似乎挺荒唐可笑的.
  Ambitious a.有抱負的,雄心勃勃的,有野心的
  Almost all politicians are quite ambious in accomplishing their own political goals.幾乎所有的政客都雄心勃勃地想要實現自己的政治目標.
  Avail v.使產生效用,使有價值
  avail n.效用,利益,幫助
  It hurt her a great deal that all she had done for him in the past few years was of no avail.她傷心欲絕,瞅著多年來為他奉獻的一切都付諸東流.
  We cannot help asking that superpower this question: Will force or terror alone avail the world peace?我們不禁要問那個超級大國僅用武力或恐嚇對世界和平有好處嗎?
  Collide vi.碰撞,互撞;衝突,牴觸
  The Titanic collided with the floating iceberg.鐵達尼號撞到了海上漂浮的冰山.
  When interests of the two countries collide, negotiation is the best solution.當兩國的利益發生衝突時,談判是最好的解決方法.
  Conceive vt.想出,認為;懷孕 vi.構想出,設想;懷孕
  The idea of the atom bomb was first concei- ved by scientists in the 1930s.科學家們是在20世紀30年代最初構想製造原子彈的.
  Traditionally in China it is a shame for a girl to conceive a baby before she marries.中國的傳統觀念是,女孩未婚先孕是可恥的.
  constituent n.選民,選區居民;成分,組成 a.組成的,構成的
  Please explain to me the constituents of an atom.請向我解釋一下原子的組成問題.
  Hydrogen and oxygen are the constituent parts of water.氫和氧是構成水的元素.
  Dedicate vt.題獻詞於上 把獻給,把用於
  Dedicated to My Beloved.謹以此書獻給我的至愛.
  The Monument to the peoples Heroes is dedicated to the memory of the soliders who died for their country.人民英雄紀念碑是為那些為保衛祖國獻身的烈士們而建的.
  Diffuse v.擴散,瀰漫;傳播,散布 a.冗長的,漫無邊際的,四散的,瀰漫
  The colors of the sunset were diffused across the sky.夕陽西沉,霞光滿天.
  I got lost in your rather diffuse essay.你的文章行文冗贅,弄得我有點糊塗了.
  Divert vt.使轉向,使改道;轉移,轉移...的注意力使娛樂,消遣
  The branch of the Yellow River has been diverted from its course to a new channel.黃河的這段支流被改道轉入新的流向.
  The children are diverted by the clown.小丑把孩子們逗樂了.
  Enrich vt.充實,使豐富;使富裕,使富有
  Many wealthy men try to enrich their cultural life by going to all kinds of concerts and museums.很多富起來的人士想籍參加各種音樂會以及參觀各種博物館來豐富自己的文化生活.
  Many foreign words and phrases have enriched the English language.大量的外來詞和短語極大地豐富了英語.
  Extinct a.滅絕的,滅種的;不再活躍的, 熄滅了的已廢棄的
  Dinosaurs have been extinct for millions of years.恐龍已經滅絕幾百萬年了.
  Evidence collected by the spacecraft on Mars shows some present volcanic action, though the volcanos are believed to be dormant if not extinct. 太空船搜集到的證據顯示火星上仍然有火山運動存在,然然人們普遍認為火星上的火山如果說不是死活山至少也處於休眠狀態.
  Flush n.臉紅;紅光 vi.被沖洗;發紅 vt.沖洗,漲紅;趕出
  Flush a.齊平的,等高的;充裕的,富裕的
  Her complexion has a flush,just like that of the dawn.她紅撲撲的臉蛋宛如黎明的紅霞.
  The politician didnt flush with shame at all when he swore that he would devote himself to serving the people immediately after receiving bribery payments.那位政客一點都不感到臉紅,那位政客信誓旦旦的說什麼要鞠躬盡瘁地為人民服務, 就在此前他剛剛收受賄賂.
  The rising sun flushed the green mountain tops.旭日映紅了蒼翠的山頂.
  Heighten v.提高,加強
  We highten our expectations as time goes by.隨著時間的推移,我們的期望提高了.
  Illusion n.幻想,錯誤的觀念;錯覺,幻覺,假象
  The girl is always under the illusion that a prince charming will sweep her away on a white horse.這姑娘成天幻想著有朝一日她心目中的白馬王子會將她帶走.
  A mirage is an optical illusion caused by hot air conditions.海市蜃樓是由空氣引起的光學幻想.
  Induce vt.引誘,勸;引起,導致
  Adam and Eve were induced to eat the Forbidden Fruit by Satan.亞當和夏娃受了魔鬼的誘惑偷吃了禁果.
  The author has induced a particular frame of mind in the readers by his choice of words.作者用詞講究,在讀者的心中喚起了一種特殊的意境.
  intelligible a.可理解的,明白易懂的,清楚的
  The manager was so drunk that his speech was barely intelligible.經理喝得醉醺醺的,連話都說不清楚.
  invariably ad.不變地,始終如一地總是
  The security guards are invariably ex-servicemen.這些保安都是清一色的退伍軍人.
  Magnify vt.放大,擴大;誇大,誇張
  Cells must be magnifi- ed by a microscope several times before they can be seen.細胞要經過顯微鏡放大好幾倍才看得見.
  Most broadcasters maintain that TV has been unfairly criticized and they argue that the power of the medium has been magnified. 多數電視台認為電視受到了不公正的批評, 他們堅持說這種傳媒的能量被大大的誇大了.
  Morality n.道德,道德性;德行,品行,道德觀,道德規範
  Nowdays many businessmen despise commercial morality to make as much profit as they can. 當今社會,很多商人罔顧商業道德竭盡所能攫取利潤.
  The morality of abortion has been discussed for a long time in the US.墮胎的道德性問題在美國長期爭論不休.
  Orient vt.使適應,使熟悉情況 或環境; 使朝向,以...為方向
  Orient n.東方,亞洲東半球
  It took quite a long time for a freshman to orient himself.大學新生要經過好長一段時間才能適應新環境.
  The up-to-date styles designed by Yves Saint Laurent,the famous French designer, will orient fashions of the world this year.由法國著名設計師伊夫. 聖洛朗設計的最新款式將領導今年的世界服裝新潮流.
  Pathetic a.差勁的,令人生厭的;引起憐憫的,可憐的,可悲的
  Chow Yun-fats acting is quite marvelous,but as a singer hes rather pathetic.周潤發的演技確實很棒,但他唱歌就馬馬虎虎了.
  Its pathetic to see her best friend sink so low.看到自己最好的朋友墮落到這種地步,她感到非常悲哀.
  Porch n.門廊
  A porch is an entrance covered by a roof outside the front door of a western house or church. 門廊是有頂的入口位於西式建築或教堂前門外.
  Prey n.被捕食的動物,捕獲物;受害者 vi.捕食,折磨;使煩惱
  He,with his simplicity and inexperience,was an easy prey for ambitious females.由於單純而缺乏經驗,他常常輕易成為野心勃勃女子的犧牲品.
  In those far-off times the Vikings used to prey on the coasts of Europe.在那遙遠的年代,北歐海盜常常出沒於歐洲海岸強取豪奪.
  quantitative a.量的,定量的
  Its necessary for us to make a quantitative assessment of the effectiveness of the investment.我們有必要對投資的有效性進行量比評估.
  Regime n.政治制度,政權
  Things in this war- ridden country will change under the new regime.在新政權的治理下,這個飽受戰亂之苦的國家情況會有所改變.
  robust a.強健的,健康的
  Jacky Chans robust constitution and dignified appearance can attract a girl at the very first sight. 成龍強健的體格與不凡的風度能讓姑娘一見傾心.
  spontaneous a.自發的,無意識的;自然的,天真率直的
  When Andy Lau,a superstar appeared on the stage, the fans gave him a spontaneous cheer.當天王巨星劉德華登上舞台時,歌迷們發出自發的喝彩聲.
  Vicky Zhao is greatly liked as she was a fresh and spontaneous girl.趙薇的青春活力與純真率直的性格十分招人喜歡.
  Subtle a.微妙的,難以捉摸的;詭秘的,狡詐的;隱約的
  Mona Lisas subtle smile is unique.蒙娜麗莎神秘深邃的微笑是無與倫比的.
  It was completely dark except the subtle light given out by a few stars in the far distance in the sky.世界一片黑暗,只有深邃的天空中幾顆星星發出暗淡的光芒.
  terminate v.停止,終止
  Lets terminate the meeting by ten.我們在10點前結束會議吧.
  Void a.無效的;沒有的,缺乏的 n.空虛感,寂寞感;真空,空白 vt.使無效
  Be careful not to sign a null and void contract.小心不要鑑定不具有法律效力的協議.
  Why do many rich people feel void in their life since they are so well off?許多富人家財萬貫為何還那麼空虛無聊?




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