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  1、Moon circle, reunion, lantern flames festival eve, dragon-lion dance, yuan xiao, a happy and auspicious, safeguard, the blessing of prosperity, happiness of life well-being, I wish you may want to, everything goes well, happy Lantern Festival!
  2、元宵個頭圓又圓,祝你生活比蜜甜。Yuanxiao is round and round. I wish you a sweet life.
  3、祝你一年平安全家順,一生健康全家安,一路發財全家福!I wish you a year of peace, family Shun, a lifetime of health, family safety, all the way to wealth and family fortune!
  4、願你生活步步高,給你溫暖來報道。May your life step by step higher and give you warmth to report.
  5、The Lantern Festival is coming. Friends who are away from home remember to contact their families far away. I wish all of you a successful career, a prosperous career, a healthy body, a happy life, an early realization of your beautiful dream, and a return to building your hometown, happy Lantern Festival!
  6、Get involved and try it yourself. First do stuffing, mother will buy red bean picked clean water wash and soak for an hour, and pour into the pot with a simmer, until the bean curd, beans, and then scoop up bean skin, the beans into the bowl with a rolling pin
  7、願願隨願月兒圓,事事隨心湯圓甜。元宵快樂!Willing to wish the moon round, everything as you like sweet dumplings. Happy Lantern Festival!
  8、祝好運滔滔,幸福綿綿,事事成功,元宵快樂!I wish you good luck, happiness, success and happy Lantern Festival!
  9、點亮十五盞七彩蓮燈,照亮遠方的心湖;許下個心愿,祈福美麗的晨曦;心鏡如水,愛在佳節中。即使你遠在他鄉,祝福依然伴隨你左右,元宵快樂!  Light colorful lotus lamp, to illuminate the distance of heart lake; Made wishes, prayers for the beauty of the sunrise; Heart mirror like water, love in this Christmas。 Even if you far in exile, the blessing is still with you around, yuanxiao is happy!
  10、Draw a circle to bless you, happy and healthy follow you. Draw a Lantern Festival for you, the reunion center happy. Draw a flower lamp to hang your home, the Lantern Festival split the heart flower. Happy Lantern Festival, family reunion!
  11、I want a family to look at blessing. Look at the roundness of the moon today. Look at the family reunion. Look at the stars in the sky. See if the rice ball in the bowl is full. The Lantern Festival.
  12、無宵鑼鼓鎮喧騰,薺菜香中粉餌蒸。祭得灶神同踏月,爆花正接竹枝紅。  Without flaring gongs town roared, shepherd's purse fragrance in the powder steamed bait。 Offering to the kitchen god with the following month, popcorn is the bamboo。
  13、A full float away, old friends always keep in mind, heart think of you every holiday season, yuanxiao wish the most sincere, warm warm to think about, I wish you a good strong body, I wish you a good kindly, I wish your life and everything goes well.
  14、正月十五喜連連,祝你萬事皆吉祥。I wish you good luck in everything.
  15、龍燈舞,祝福來,明朝光輝燦爛。Dragon dance, blessing, bright Ming Dynasty.
  17、元宵到,元宵鬧,花燈猜謎生活俏,思念此刻在歡跳,祝福立馬來報到,好運特地來關照,幸福常伴常微笑,歡欣襲來歡樂傲,萬種如意陪元宵。祝你元宵快樂。  Lantern, lantern, lantern riddles life qiao, missing at the moment in their lameless, wish immediately to report, good luck come to attention, happiness be always smiling, happy hit a proud joy, ten thousand kinds of satisfied with yuanxiao。 I wish you a happy yuanxiao。
  18、月到十五特別圓,把你疼愛把你憐,常常把你掛心間,今夜的湯圓甚是粘,我們何時能團圓。  Month to special circle, put your love to your flow, often hang your heart, tonight the dumplings is very sticky, when we can together。


  19、The moon was falling, and I left reluctantly. But the people who watched the lanterns were still in the stream, and all kinds of colored lights were shining like stars in the sky. It was "a night of intoxication, only spring."
  20、紅豆餡,祝你紅紅火火日子好。Red bean stuffing, I wish you a good day.
  21、正月十五元宵節,吃的是團團圓圓的湯圓,送的是圓圓滿滿的祝福,賞的是五穀豐?登?願的是步步高登,發的是簡訊祝願,送的是真心實意,願你元宵節快樂。  The fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, eat tuantuan round dumplings, send is round and full blessing of reward is the grain abundant? Deng? may is a Gordon, texting is wish, send is sincere, I wish you a happy Lantern Festival。
  22、元宵節之際,祝你心中有首快樂的歌,新年快樂!On the occasion of the Lantern Festival, I wish you a happy song in your heart and a happy New Year!
  23、正月十五吃湯圓,吃得家庭團圓,愛情甜蜜,生活飽滿!Eat dumplings on the 15th day of the first month, eat family reunion, love is sweet, life is full!
  24、City spring palace willow, pour you a cup of wine yuan xiao, although the distance far missing in, often shake hands, on the happy occasion of years, wish good luck to go with you, good luck for you, wish you happy forever.
  25、在這個充滿喜悅的日子裡,在長久的離別後,願元宵節的燈火帶給你一份寧靜和喜悅,和我深深的思念!  In the days full of joy, after a long absence, the Lantern Festival lights will bring you a peace and joy, and I deeply miss!
  26、The Lantern Festival, I wish you: like dumplings and relatives reunion, wealth is like water flowing, ideal like may wish cheque, career encountered chance like you and me, love is like the moon has festive, good luck to go out like pick up to the dollar
  27、心情愉快朋友聚,歡天喜地祝福送。Happy mood, friends gather, happy blessing send.
  28、送您黑芝麻湯圓,祝您新的一年,生活芝麻開花節節高!I'd like to send you black sesame dumplings. I wish you a new year and a prosperous life!
  29、衷心祝願你快樂圓圓,開心圓圓,吉祥圓圓。I sincerely wish you happy circle, happy circle, auspicious circle.
  30、The Lantern Festival is a joyful holiday. One night the ichth yosaur dance, the silver flower twinkles the fire tree. Invite friends and relatives to gather together, the beauty of the beauty is pleasant. At this time, the scene is full of affection, everything and happiness. Wishing you a happy New Year.
  31、月無日日圓,人無年年到。元宵佳節,伴著圓圓的月兒,萬家的花燈放,祝您全家幸福。  On the yen, a man without to every year。 The Lantern Festival, with a round moon, thousands of lanterns, I wish your family happiness。
  32、你的眼睛很圓,因為有神,你的臉蛋很圓,因為有福,你的元宵節元宵很圓,因為家人一起團團圓圓,元宵節快樂。  Your eyes are very round, because god, your face is round, because blessed, your Lantern Festival lantern is round, because the family reunion, happy Lantern Festival。
  33、The lights are lighted, the moon is a blessing, the flame is lit, the lantern riddles are happy, the family reunion is happy, the family reunion is happy, the festival is happy and the beauty is endless. The Lantern Festival is coming, I wish you a happy and happy reunion!
  34、National celebration watching lanterns, every family happy laugh, people eat tang yuan reunion, half the sky lanterns red, decorating their moon, night scenery together, send me full of wishes, happy together reunion, wish money everything.
  36、Bright moonlight, hazy beauty; Marigold lanterns, swaying romance; Each one is round and round; Sound blessing, warm and beautiful. Appreciating the moon, watching lanterns, eating dumplings, sending blessings, Lantern Festival I think you, send a message missing you, Lantern Festival happy!


  37、集美們元宵節快樂,事事圓滿,好事連連。Jimei people happy Lantern Festival, everything is perfect, good things.
  38、The moon is round and round, smiling with joy; Better luck, more sweet dreams; Joy and happiness are the joys of happiness. Long smile longer, dream in your heart to stay! Happy Lantern Festival!
  39、祝君甜蜜開心笑,全家團圓過元宵。I wish you a sweet and happy smile and a happy family reunion.
  40、The night time is suspended, enjoying the full passion; The moon and the stars look at the drunk, now the sweet singing companion; Tang yuan is located in a thousand homes, sweet smile on the cheeks; The song and the festival life, good luck and good luck meet. I wish you a lucky day and a happy day.
  41、十五的元宵圓又圓,生活幸福比蜜甜。The Lantern Festival of 15 is round and round, and life is more happy than honey.
  42、Astimegoesby unnoticeably slipping away, friendship is like wine is mellow, years old friends together, say greetings still sincerely, Lantern Festival to send greetings:I wish you a happy life, sincere friendship constant companions!
  43、願你十五元宵鬧,吉祥好運把你照!Wish you 15 Lantern Festival, good luck to you!
  44、元宵節,放下那些不如意,用心享受團圓的驚喜!On the Lantern Festival, let go of those disappointments and enjoy the surprise of reunion!
  45、元宵月圓春花開,祝福踏月急趕來,給你好運最開懷,願你開心最實在,煩惱憂愁早淘汰,幸福和美最關愛,成功之船在等待,祝福你元宵佳節最愉快。  Yuanxiao moon spring flowers open, blessing step month come, good luck to you the most, wish you happy is the most true, is eliminated early, the most happiness and beauty care, waiting for the success of the boat, bless you a happy Lantern Festival is the most。
  47、Came smiling flowers, some warm light, reunion eat a bowl of soup, make a happy wish, let the flower round full moon light round dumplings circle circle everything is satisfactory, every day happy, good dream round, Lantern Festival, happy love fate to flow!
  48、祝君美滿甜蜜圓,幸福生活年連年。元宵節快樂!I wish you a happy and happy life. Happy Lantern Festival!
  49、祝您和您的家人團團圓圓,生活美滿,萬事如意!I wish you and your family a happy and happy life!
  50、January 15 yuan xiao eat dumplings: you round me round, everyone! Yen month circle, everything is round! Source of people, everywhere! Official source revenue, a steady stream! Desire, desire, desire!
  51、親愛的朋友,元宵節快樂!Dear friends, happy Lantern Festival!
  52、願你十五元宵鬧,美滿快樂幸福笑!Wish you 15 Lantern Festival, happy and happy smile!
  53、月到十五分外圓,把我疼愛把我憐,常常把我掛心間,今夜的湯圓甚是黏,象徵我倆圓圓圓。  Month to points circle, I love my flow, often hang my heart, tonight the dumplings is very sticky, symbol we round and round。
  54、家家戶戶紅燈掛,街上彩旗嘩啦響。正月十五元宵節,全家團圓品元宵。玉碗湯圓端上來,銀杯高舉一醉休。甜甜蜜蜜一家親,共度元宵吉祥安。元宵節快樂!  Families hang a red light, flags waving sound in the street。 The fifteenth day of the Lantern Festival, family reunion is tasted yuanxiao。 The jade bowl of dumplings, silver cup held up a drunk。 Sweet skin enjoy yuanxiao auspicious。 Happy Lantern Festival!




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