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abide by,conform to , comply with 遵守
abundant in 富於,富有
of one s own accord自願地 ,主動地
in accordance with 依照,根據
in terms of 根據
take into account把..。考慮進去
on no account絕不要
adapt oneself to 使自己適應於
in addition to除 外
in advance 預告, 事先
take advantage of 利用。
in the air不肯定,在謠傳中。
appeal to sb. for sth. 為某事向某人呼籲.
appeal to sb. 對某人有吸引力
approve of贊成
in favour of 贊成
assure sb. of sth向 保證, 使 確信
make an attempt at doing sth. 試圖做
attend to侍候,照料
attribute to把.。歸因於..
contribute to 有助於
due to 是由於
at one s back支持,維護
on the basis of 根據
for the benefit of 為了 的利益
get the better of 打敗
in blossom開花
in bulk 成批地
center on 把注意力集中在 上
by chance偶然
charge sb. with 控告某人犯有
round the clock如果 in the event that
confide in 對 講真心話,
be confronted with 面對, 面臨
in connection with與 有關
be conscious of覺察,知道
consent to同意
under consideration 在考慮中
consist of由 組成的
contrary to 與 相反
in contrast to/with 和 形成對比
by contrast 對比之下
by comparison 比較起來
at all costs不惜任何代價 .
go to any length想一切辦法
by all means不惜一切。
at the cost of 以 為代價
to one s credit使某人感到光榮
be critical of 愛挑毛病的,不滿
out of date過時的;up to date最近的,時興的;
date back to回溯到;
date from從某時期開始
on the decline 在衰退中, 在減少中
in demand有需求
deprive sb. of sth. 剝奪某人某物
deviate from 偏離
fall back 撤退
dispose of 處理掉
beyond dispute 無可爭議
in dispute 在爭議中
distinguish from 把 與 區別開
do away with廢除,殺掉
on earth 究竟, 在世上
at ease自在
go into effect 生效.
come into effect; take effect 開始生效
place an emphasis on 強調 上
at one s wit s end 智窮計盡
come to and end 結束
enter for 報名參加
be entitled to有權 ,有資格
be equipped with 裝備有,裝有 來




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