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  3) 正譯法
  例1 我們強烈反對公司的新政策。
  譯文: We strongly object the companys new policy.
  例2 人不可貌相。
  譯文: We cannot judge a person by his appearance.
  例3 酒吧間只有五個顧客還沒有走。
  譯文:Only five consumers remained in the bar.
  例4 這台機器一點兒也不複雜。
  譯文:This machine is far from being complicated.
  由上可見,正譯法和反譯法主要體現在漢語裡是否使用不、非、無、沒有、未、否等字眼,或是在英語裡是否使用no, not等詞或帶有dis- ,im- ,in- ,un- , -less等帶否定含義的詞綴。讀者也可將例1,例2試著用反譯法表達出來。結果就是:We strongly disapprove the companys new policy.和 Appearances are deceptive. 至於兩種譯法得出的兩個譯文究竟哪一個更好,就要看譯文是否準確規範,簡練精闢,是否符合該語言使用者的表達習慣了。
  Exercise Two
  1.Everyone has his inherent ability ,________________ .
  2.The importance of traffic safety , _________________ .
  3.In my opinion , ______________ .
  4.There is no doubt that ______________ among the youth of our country.
  5.According to my personal experience , ___________________ .
  1. which is easily concealed by habits
  解析:每個人都有與生俱來的能力,只是很容易被習慣所掩蓋。本題的難點在於對動詞掩蓋的選擇。這裡的掩蓋是抽象含義,並不是像cover那樣能找到真實的掩蓋物,所以應該選擇conceal,常用搭配由:conceal...from。另外,這句話是一個非限制性定語從句。句子需填補內容是對 ability的補充說明,能力是中心詞。因此,要用which引導這個非限制性定語從句。
  2. cant be overemphasized / cant be emphasized too much
  解析:本句考查的是再......也不為過的的說法。英語句型是:cannot + do sth. + too much 或 cannot over-do,如:He is so excellent that we cannot praise him too much.cannot是否定,與too much 和 over-V. 結構連用時強調肯定,表示怎麼......也不為過。
  3. playing video games not only takes much time but also does harm to health
  解析:句子需填補部分的主語是打電動玩具,雖然打是動詞,但根據全句結構我們需要將play處理成動名詞形式充當主語。此外,考察不僅......還的句型。浪費時間除了答案表達之外也可以用waste time 。
  4. near-sightedness is a serious problem
  解析:There is no doubt that後接從句,從句里應有完整的主謂賓結構。如:There is no doubt that the thief jumped into the room from the balcony in the second floor. 近視還可以說成myopia 或 short sight 。
  5. smile has done me a lot of good
  解析:本題考察帶給某人很多好處的表達。我們知道對某人有好處可以說成do good to sb. 或do sb. good,依此類推,給我帶來很多好處就是:do a lot of good to me或do me a lot of good 。




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