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  訓練要求: 閱讀下面這篇短文,短文後列出7個句子,請根據短文的內容對每個句子做出判斷。如果該句提供的是正確信息,請選A;如果該句提供的是錯誤信息,請選B;如果該句的信息在文章中沒有提及,請選C。
  Chain Stores
  The chain store or the corporatechain is one of the most impotant retail developments in the twentieth century. Corporate chains are two or more stores that are commonly owned and controlled, sell similar lines of merchandise, have central buying and merchandising, and may often use a similar architectural pattern.
  Common ownership and control is the unique feature of the chain store. Headquarters play a key role in deciding on the chains product assortment,placing bulk orders for the goods to get quantity discounts, distributing the goods to the individual store units, and establishing pricing, promotion, and other standard merchandising policies for the units. Finally,the chains often develop a similar architectural pattern to increase each units visibility and identifiability in the public eye.
  The success of chain sores is based on their ability to achieve a price advantage over independent stores by moving toward high volume and low margins.
  Chain stores achieve their efficiency in several ways. First, their size allows them to buy large quantities to take maximum advantage of quantity discounts and lower transportation costs. Second, the chains have been able to develop superior organizations by hiring good managers and developing special procedures in the areas of sales forecasting, inventorycontrol, pricing and promotion. Third, the chains are able to integrate wholesaling and retailing functions, while independent retailers have to deal with many wholesalers. Fourth, the chain get promotional economies by buying advertising that benefits all their stores and whose cost is spread over a large volume. And fifth, the chains permit their units some freedom to meet variations in consumer preferences and competition in local markets.
  1 The defining feature of the corporate chain is common ownership and control.
  A Right
  B Wrong
  C Not mentioned
  2 Headquarters often play a role in training the staff for each unit.
  A Right
  B Wrong
  C Not mentioned
  3 The failures of independent stores are due to the chain stores.
  A Right
  B Wrong
  C Not mentioned
  4 Chain stores are designed in a similar architectural pattern for easy identification.
  A Right
  B Wrong
  C Not mentioned
  5 Chain storessize allows them to buy large quantities to a maximum advantage of quantity discounts and lower transportation costs.
  A Right
  B Wrong
  C Not mentioned
  6 Independent retailers dont have to deal with so many wholesalers as chain stores.
  A Right
  B Wrong
  C Not mentioned
  7 Chain stores become more efficient in several ways.
  A Right
  B Wrong
  C Not mentioned
  答案:1A. 2B 3C 4A 5A 6B 7A




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